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The day had finally arrived, and Louis was nervous.

It was 6 in the morning, and it was so early that  not even Tori was up, but Louis needed the extra time to get ready, this was his first day of Uni after all.

He showered, and then took his time to choose what to wear (he ended up choosing jeans, a T-shirt and the black sweatshirt he had stolen from Harry, which was a little big on him, but he didn't care), and when he decided he was ready, he went to wake up Tori, and they went downstairs to have breakfast with Louis' parents.

They ate fast, and then Louis took Tori upstairs, and he got her dressed and did her hair, and when she was ready he took her downstairs, and took pictures of her, it was her first day back at preschool.

"Have a great first day, baby girl" Louis said and gave her a hug.

He was sad that he wasn't going to be taking her to her first day back, but if he did he was going to be late for his first ever University class.

"Mummy, don't go" Tori told him.

"I have to, baby girl, but Nan's going to take you to school and she's going to pick you up too, and before you know it, I'll be home" Louis told her.

"And Haw-ry?" Tori questioned.

"We're going to see him over the weekend" Louis explained to his daughter as he bent down to be at her level "Now give me a hug goodbye".

Tori gave him a hug a bit reluctantly, but Louis gave her a tighter cuddle, then wished her a good first day again, his dad saying the same to the girl. Then Jay said goodbye to them and this time she wished Louis a great first day, and finally, he and his dad were able to leave.

Louis knew that his dad rarely drove to the city, it was a lot easier and faster to take the train there, so even though they got into the car, they left it at the station, and took a train to London.

"Are you excited?" Mark asked

"Yeah" Louis bit his lip "But nervous".

"You'll be fine, son" Mark assured him.

Louis had his phone in his hand, and he looked at it when he noticed he had a new text, and he smiled when he saw who it was from.

From Harry 💚: good luck on your first day, I love you!!

Reading that warmed Louis' heart, and it made him less nervous, and he was quick to text back.

To Harry 💚: thank u, good luck to u too, love u more 💚💙

Louis' dad's worked in a completely different part of the city than Louis' University campus was on, so as soon as the 30 minute train ride was over and they reached London, they said goodbye and they each headed on different directions.

To Louis, from that point, it was a 20 minute tube ride until the station nearest to his University, but he knew the way (he had already been there a few times), and although he had a little trouble finding the classroom of his first class, he made it with time to spare.

The classroom was halfway filled when he walked in there, and he decided to sit on the second row, as he really wanted to be able to focus and hear what the professor said.

So he sat down on his own, took out his laptop, as he was a lot faster typing than writing, and he waited.

Should he talk to other people?

He looked around the room, and other students were already talking to each other.

Did they all know each other from before?

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