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9 years later

Louis had set up his alarm very early that Saturday, as they had a big day ahead of them, and he rather do everything with time.

He stretched in the bed for a few seconds before he opened his eyes, and then looked sideways, where his husband was sleeping on his tummy, the bed covers only covering from the waist down.

"Babe" Louis said as he softly rubbed his husband's naked back.


"It's time to wake up" Louis told him.

"I don't want to" Harry groaned.

"But it's our wedding day" Louis said happily.

"Or wedding day was 10 years ago" Harry said without opening his eyes.

Louis chuckled, because that was actually true; they had gotten married 10 years ago, and today they were just having a vow renewal, but they were celebrating as if it was a true wedding.

"You know what I mean" Louis insisted.

"Let's skip the party and go straight to the honeymoon" Harry suggested, his eyes still closed.

"That's not happening until tomorrow, now come on" Louis insisted.

Harry sighed, and opened his beautiful eyes, and looked at Louis.

"Remind me again why we're doing this?" Harry asked sleepily.

"Because we love each other" Louis said as he pushed Harry's hair back "And we also promised our parents that we'd have a proper wedding someday".

"Alright" Harry smiled, and he put his arms around Louis "But I'm still looking forward to our honeymoon more".

"I know" Louis said.

Because he was looking forward to it too; they hadn't taken a vacation like this just the two of them (weekend getaways didn't count), and they were going to Menorca, which was an island of the coast of Spain, and in the pictures it looked pretty much like paradise on earth.

"Now get up, please" Louis asked, and pecked Harry's lips before he got up himself.

He stretched a bit more, and then opened the door of their bedroom, and knocked on the door of the bedroom across from theirs, which was Tori's.

"Tori?" Louis asked.

There was no reply, so Louis opened the door, and saw his daughter was fast asleep in the bed.

"Tori, wake up" Louis told her as he went inside the room.

Tori groaned, so he went up to the window, and opened the curtains, letting the sunlight in.

"'Mum!" Tori complained, and covered her head with the bed covers.

"I'm sorry, love, but we have a busy day today" Louis replied "Now come on, I'm making breakfast".

It seemed like Tori was actually going to get up, so Louis left her room, and headed to kitchen to be able to make breakfast for the 3 of them.

Right now they lived in a small one story house that was in the same small town where they had met and fell in love, and where their tamiles still lived. The house had 1 bathroom and 2 bedrooms (well, there was a third one, but it was more like a closet, and they used it as a laundry room), one for them and one for Tori. They rented it, and they called it their "first house", because they knew it wouldn't be their last.

Harry actually wanted to build their definitive house, he had designed it years ago, and kept making tweaks to it every now and then. And Louis loved it, and every time he looked at the model in Harry's computer, it made him smile, because he knew how much love Harry had put in designing their perfect home.

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