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University was hard.

A lot harder than Louis had expected, and he expected it to be hard.

It had only been 3 weeks and he felt like it had been 3 months.

All the studying he needed to do, plus being a mother, having to commute to go to Uni, and having to reserve time during the weekend to spend time with his husband (and with his daughter), was slowly killing him.

"Lou" Harry said startling Louis.

"I'm awake" Louis said suddenly alert.

It was Saturday, and Harry (who had arrived home Friday night) had come over to the Tomlinson's for lunch, and afterwards, Louis' parents had gone to the city to buy god knows what, and while Tori was napping, Louis and Harry were making out on Louis' bed.

"Baby, if you want to take a nap, take a nap" Harry said softly as stroked his hair "We can make out later".

"No, I wanna be with you" Louis said, and lazily kissed Harry's lips.

"But you can barely keep your eyes open" Harry chuckled.

"Uni's killing me" Louis sighed defeated, and cuddled into Harry's body "I never sleep".

"Then sleep now, baby" Harry offered "I could use a good nap too".

"Okay" Louis accepted, because at this point he couldn't even open his eyes, they felt to heavy.

He felt Harry's lips on his forehead, and before he knew or felt anything else, he fell asleep.

Louis always slept best when he was in Harry's arms, and today wasn't an exception, as he slept comfortably and happily, until a certain little girl woke him up by climbing him.

"Mummy" Tori said in a singing voice.

"We're napping, baby" Louis groaned.

"No mowe nappin', mummy" Tori decided "I wanna do somethin' fun!".

"Napping is fun" Louis said.

He still hadn't moved from Harry's embrace, and it seemed Harry was still sleeping, because he hadn't moved an inch and hadn't said anything either.

"No, mummy" Tori complained, and shook him "Wake up".

Louis groaned again, and was about to get up when the weight on top of him shifted sideways, and he knew Tori had decided to bother someone else, when he heard that someone else complain.

"Ow" Harry complained

"Haw-ry wake up" Tori told him "Now!".

"You can't order Harry around" Louis scolded her "Apologize, please".

"Sowry, Haw-ry" Tori told him "Wake up, peace".

"That's better" Louis accepted.

He had his eyes open at this point, and he realized that while he was cuddled into Harry's right side, and Harry held his arm around him protectively, Tori was splayed over Harry's chest, and he had put his left arm around her to hold her in place.

"Mummy, Haw-ry's dead" Tori declared.

Louis was shocked to hear her say that, he didn't even know she knew that word, but he was sure now that she didn't quite grasp what it meant; the finality of death

Had she been watching the Lion King too much?

"Harry's not dead, cupcake" Louis explained "When someone dies, they go to sleep forever, and you don't get to see them anymore because they go to live in heaven".

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