rant twenty-four: pms

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Periods suck. I think we all agree on that. Blood and cramps and everything. But I still think PMS is the worst.

I don't get emotional during my periods. I don't get angry either. But before... everything that can go wrong in the world goes wrong and during this fucking soup of emotions you just wait for the blood to come.

I am not on my period right now, but I will be tomorrow or the day after. How do I know this? Because my head is a mess.

I am a crier. I cry a lot when I am on my PMS. I can't watch sad or touching movies because my face turns into the niagara falls in a minute.

So basically I lay on the coach staring at the ceiling and hoping that no one will talk to me and as I lie there I feel sorry for myself for being alone.

Can't wait until tomorrow.

I'll sleep with pads.

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