rant twenty-six: mothers

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Don't get me wrong, I love my mom to death, but sometimes I want to slap her across the fucking face.

She doesn't seem to understand why I am on bitch-mode 24/7 while I'm surfing the crimson wave.

She expects me to be the poster child for polite and sophisticated, when in reality I'm like fucking Carrie at the prom, covered in ratchet ass blood and mentally setting fire to anything that so much as breathes.

SHE, out of all people, should understand why I'm extra bitchy during my time of the month. I wouldn't expect my bro, or my dad to understand, but MY MOTHER SHOULD, GODDAMMIT!


I still love her, though. Us ladies have to stick together, right?

Ps. Is it just me, or are boobs extra sensitive during periods?? I hit my boob against a fucking pillow the other day and it was more unbearable than watching all of Sara McLaughlin's ASPCA commercials- consecutively. Okay, maybe that's a tad bit dramatic, but it still hurt like a bitch.



I'm done, goodbye.

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