rant forty: boys and their 'needs'

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Boys can be so needy and picky when its come to girls like, Shave your legs, wear makeup but not to much, dress nice, do your hair.

Like maybe I don't wanna do my hair.

Then they ask why girls are so temperamental or bipolar on their periods.

I'm like "Sorry it's not like you got the Red Sea in your pants!"

Now they're sayin' "I like it better when girls wear tampons because you can't smell it."

again I'm like " Well I like it better when you guys wear deodorant, because you smell like a piece of crap."

Like boys, cause we all know you're reading this, leave a girl and her period alone.

But anyway, is anyone afraid to shove tampon up there like what if the string breaks!? #Scared Ok that's all I have. But man it feels like my vagina is being cut up into tiny piece! Why can't mother nature just send a text sayin' Hey you're not pregnant. Carry on with your boring, useless lives!"

Omg! I just sneezed and no joke it was like a red tsunami went off. WHY?!?

Okay. Good bye

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