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So After that Long talk about, being late to class and stuff I decided to hear to class. The first subject was math. And guess who my teacher was? If you said Baldi, you were right. "Now it's time for every bodies favorite subject.......MATH!" 'Baldi exclaimed. Boring boring boring is all I thought. But you were a Smart child and you could finish whatever math he gave you in like a second. "Is that all you teach.... Math?" I said. But then I realized that he looked kinda disappointed, like if I knew the answer to that question. "Why do you ask? Doesn't It look like a teach math?" He said back at me. "Actually, you look like a Normal guy, who shouldn't be wasting time, at a school and go home and chill Or--" I stopped for a sec. He was writing all of that down in a Notebook. "What are you doing?" I said to him. (He is writing a Story example so he can write it on wattpad 😂) "SHHHH........ I'm writing something" He said. It's just the way he shushed you that made you giggle. "Bu-- "But nothing young lady, you have work to do," He interrupted. "You haven't even gave me my work yet," I said back to him. "Oh, right," he said. Hehe he so clumsy! I thought he was a teacher. And have I mentioned that there was no else im the room with me? That's odd. I think he saw me looking around the room so he jumped and said "The other Children are at lunch, they'll be back," Baldi said. Something strange is going on. During my 'Time to see what's going on time' he sets a notebook in front of me. Open it, is what he said, so I did. What was inside of it you ask? Math problems. They were easy! There was one that said 2+6=__ and 1-4=__
So I got that done in like a second. "Well, thanks for taking your time an--
Then the bell rang. Math was over! "Well, go to your next period," he said. "Uh, OK then," I said. He goes the next period. I wonder what would I have to learn next?

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