CHAP.18. Option 2| Forgive and forget

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You guys made it to baldi's house. He was obviously sad.

"Baldi.... " You whisper to him.
"Hm?" is all that came out of his mouth.

"I'm sorry, I lied...... can I talk with you privately?" You ask him. He nods as he walks upstairs.

You made it to his room and sat down in comfy ass chairs.

He wasn't speaking, he was probably disappointed in you. It was pretty obvious too.

"..... " You didn't know how to explain everything that happened.

"Go on." he said with his calm tone. "It wasn't a cat, Baldi... " You said weakly.

"Obviously not." He said as his eyes close.

"It was the principal." You said frowning in disappointment.

"I knew that, I don't care anymore. You told me, you told the truth, that's all that matters. " He said as he patted your back.

"I need to know one thing though." He said as he stood up.

"Yes?" You ask him.

"Do you love me?"

"Yes." You said kissing him on the cheek. He grabs a strip of your hair and plays with it.

Awhile after, Jack came in the room. "Yeah, guys, I wanna know if I can have an age potion?" He asks both of you.

"ONE STRIP OF HAIR JACK! THAT'S ALL I'LL HAVE LEFT!" Baldi says as he stands back up again.

"Calm down Baldi boy, you'll look fine." You said as you grabbed his shoulder and sat him back down.

"fine..... I guess one strip of hair wouldn't be so bad." he said.


Jack blacked out for a long time. Bella was jumping from bed to bed waiting for him to wake up.

He then got up. "Ah, my back hurts, so do my shoulder blades." he said as he rubbed his back.

"YOU'RE AWAKE!" You said as you hugged him tightly. Baldi looks at you and then frowns, he then shakes his head no.

"Don't hug me please." Jack said as he lightly pushed you off. "yeah, sorry." You said as he walked away.

"Ready for tomorrow?" Bella said as she pulls on your shirt.

"Yes." You said.

"I'm ready all the way."

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