〇♥ღCHAP.9. Everything Changesღ♥〇

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You soon woke up to the smell of your favorite food. You went to the kitchen to see what it was. It was Baldi making your favorite food. "(Y/N)! You're Finally Awake! Thank God!" Baldi says as he hugs really tight. "Did it work?!" You shout excitedly. "Yes, it did.... You look amazing!" He shouts back. You noticed you were still wearing the same clothes, but they were bigger this time. "Wow, so does that mean I'll get to live here?" You say. "Pfft, DUH! Of course you will!" He says. "I'll just find a way to tell my mom about this.... Can I come back later to tell you?" You say. "Just be careful, I don't want anything bad to happen ok?" Baldi said back. "Yeah, yeah, don't worry I'll be back safe and sound," You say to him. "Ok, you better~," He says to you. You look at him with an ok look in your face and leave.
You finally make it to your house, it looked calm and all. You went inside and saw that your mother was watching TV with Henry the Principal. "Mom, I'm back!" You say trying to sound like a child, since you know your voice changes and stuff. "Ok sweetie--- she didn't finish her sentence because she obviously noticed you were older than you were supposed to be. "Henry, did I drink today?" Your mom says shocked seeing you like this. (Yes I actually mean if she drank beer or something) You heard Henry from a distance say "No, not that I know of,". You both looked at each other in shock. "Mom, I took an age potion, and I was wondering if I could live with BALDI," You ask her. You have a strong feeling she is going to say no, do to the look on her face. "The hell?! You leave as a child a couple hours ago, and come back as a teenager! BRUH!" She yells at you. "Well, first of all, I'm not a teenager I'm 23, and I want to live with Baldi," You respond back. "Fine, whatever, you're 'old enough' decide what you want to do, I honestly don't care anymore," She says shedding some tears. You hug her tight and kiss her cheek then you pack your stuff and leave that horrible place.
You showed up in front of Baldi's doorstep and ring the bell. Baldi looks out the window in shock and runs towards the door to you. "(Y/N), what'd she say to you?" He asks. "She said I'm old enough to make my own choices, so she basically didn't care and she won't care, so we don't have to worry about her," You explained the whole story to him. And them you wonder, where was Bella at the moment? "Hey, where's Bella?" You ask. "When we gave you the potion, she probably got bored and fell asleep on the sofa, so I put her down in her room," He said. "Awe, that Adorable," You say. "Pfft," is all he said. "I was thinking, (y/n)..... I talked about it with Bella, and she said I should do it," Baldi said. You tilt your head in confusion waiting for an answer. "Say what? Or do what?" You ask him. He looks at you shyly. You see some blush and you felt flattered that he's blushing because of you. "Uh, never mind, it wasn't important anyways," Baldi said. It surprised you it didn't matter, so you felt like it wasn't important if he said it was. He gently kissed you on your head and said goodnight. You slept in his room, luckily there was two separate beds, so you were okay. He was sound asleep, while you were looking at the ceiling, thinking of everything that has happened. The only thing that mattered to you at the moment was that you were with Baldi..... And he was with you.
What would you guys do, if you were with Baldi? I would probably die of excitement...

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