✪❀★CHAP.16.Broken Lies ✪❀★

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(When it italics, that's you thinking. )

Previously on this story of shi-

"That leaves us alone."

You look at him in shock but didn't have time to think, cause then he licked your ear and you got the shivers again.
"You L-Like my mother!" You stutter to find more words to use against him.
"No, I never did. I only did that to get closer to you." He said with a cold voice. You put a shocked face on as he grinned.
"But, my plan failed. But, I never leave without a plan, and everything is going as I thought it would."
He said yet again with that cold tone in his voice, that can clearly be heard.
"Jack knows I'm here! He'll come save me! I know!" You shout at him, then you covered your mouth.
"No he won't. He never will, that kid has done plenty of mistakes that he hasn't fixed." He said to you. You look at him in shock, you couldn't say anything. He then took the chance and kissed you. You didn't kiss back. But for some reason, it felt so good. You know you belong with baldi, and you're getting married.. But you couldn't help it. You kissed him back hesitantly. Then he took it farther and French kissed you passionately. His sweater was so fluffy and warm, you felt like you were cuddling a bear. Did you just forget this was the principal? He's still nice.
Wait no he's not cute (y/n)! Think straight! But, he's cute.. This won't hurt anyone..  I just know it won't. Wait Baldi.. I can just say I got raped! Yeah! That's my excuse.
No, I can't lie. I just can't do this anymore! All the drama, the hurt, the misery this will all cause to different people I love.
But even the principal deserves a little love too.

You stop kissing for air, and look at each other.
"I'm so s-sorry (y-y/n).. I couldn't help it. But, you're just to hard to resist anymore. I want my dream to finally come true. All the way." He he said once again.
"W-What? How long was this for! HOW LONG HAVE YOU WANTED TO DO THIS?!" You shout at him, then exhale to keep your calm.
"Very long." He said as he put a finger on your lips.
"I c-cant.. I belong to Baldi.. " You stutter.

Jack's POV
I was constantly walking around and pacing thinking if (Y/n) was OK. Then I hear the door open from downstairs, and the lights turn on. That must be (y/n)! I run down the stairs and then pause.
"WHO ARE YOU?! AND WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Baldi shouts as he grabs a metal bat and raises it up.
"Woah! Baldi, calm down! It's just me." I said as I looked at him.
"Oh that one kid named Jack right?" He said. "Yes that kid." I say back. "Where's (y/n) and Bella, they should be here by now." He asks me.
"That's what I'm asking myself." I say. "Let's go look for them! Come on we gotta hurry up NOW!" Baldi said as he opens the door and runs out. I nod and go out too.

No one's POV
The principal kissed your neck, in search for your sweet spot. Once he found it, you let out a small set of moans escape your mouth.
He grinned sadistically.
I didn't mean to do that! You shout in your head and mentally face palm yourself.
He still bit your neck, licked it, and kissed it on your sweet spot.
More moans escape your mouth, you then grab onto his sweater wanting more of what he was doing to you. You felt his HUGE bulge and got scared. You accidentally touched his bulge trying to move your hand elsewhere.
He grunted in your ear slightly, oh wait no he moaned slightly.
"I did not mean to do that."
You giggle nervously, and he laughs since he thinks your giggle is adorable.
This man loves everything about you, wait Baldi does too.
The door then opens and Baldi is standing there with Jack. At the moment The principal looked like he was hugging you, and you stare at them awkwardly.
"WHAT DID YOU DO TO (Y/N)!" He shouts to the principal as he raises the metal bat to hit him.
"Woah! Calm down Baldi! He was just giving me a nice warm and fluffy hug." You lie to him.
The principal was shocked, and he nodded his head and agree with you. You both gulped.
"I can give you a hug." Baldi said, obviously jealous that you said that. "Well, (Y/n)... I think it's best we wait for your mother to come in with Bella." The principal says, and you nod. Baldi stares at you both, not believing both of you.
"He didn't touch you inappropriately.. Did he (y/n)?" Baldi asks you with his eye brow raised, as his foot tapped in the ground.
"W-What, N-No." You lie again. At this point, you were sweating.
"I know when you're lieing (y/n).. Don't lie to me." Baldi answers back. More sweat rolled down your forehead. "I'm not!" You lie again.
Jack was putting his attention on the principal during the whole conversation.
"(Y/N)! BALDI!" Bella comes running in like the flash a hug you real tight. "Oh hi Bella." You say, as you sugar coat Baldi's question. You then noticed Baldi looking at your neck, then look at you in shock.
"Hi guys, I'm back! How's is going?" Your mother walks in and looks at you, then your neck. She put on a shocked face as well.
The principal left to the kitchen and brought you with him. *(There's two kitchen doors to let you know)
He locks both of the doors.
"(Y/n), their gonna notice the bite marks I left their!" He whispers to you. You heard Baldi trying to get in. "OPEN THE DOOR NOW!" He shouts, and so does your mother.
"Come out sweetie! I think I saw something!" She says loudly, but doesn't yell really.
"I can Lie?" You say whispering back to him. "Pft yeah! You can lie, GREAT IDEA!" He says sarcastically at You. "I'll say it was bite marks from, a cat?!" You whisper. "I DON'T HAVE A CAT!" He sorta shouts loud enough for you to hear.
"But one of my friends does." You whisper back. He then nods OK and you open the door. Baldi then stares at your neck again.
"(Y/n).. Are you cheating on me?" He asks you. Jack then looks at you in shock. "NO!" You answer back. "HENRY WHAT DID YOU DO!" He then clenches his hands into fists, ready to hit him.
"STOP! They're bite marks from my friends cat.. " You mutter.
"A CAT?! YOU EXPECT ME TO BELIEVE A CAT CAN DO THAT?" He yells at you. He then gets on his knees and covers his face with his hands. "All I wanted was a happy marriage." He said. Tears rolled down his cheeks. Jack walked over to him, and patted him on the back.
"Calm, keep your calm." Jack whispered to him.
"(Y/n), I'm sorry, I'm to over protective. If it was a cat... I believe you." He said as he got up slowly. "Promise me, you won't lie, or hide anything from me, please." He begged you. "I promise."


Did y'all like it? Did I do good?
OK, so now you love to people. The principal and BALDI.
Don't tell me in the comments "I don't like him!" or "fuck the principal!" don't bitch about it please people.
Technically its my story, I can do what I want in it. Don't agree? Then leave please and don't make a big deal about it.

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