〇♥ღCHAP.6.My Lifeღ♥〇

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It was Baldi

JK it was the principal. You stood there in shock. Unlil your momma interrupted. "Is something wrong?" she asked the both of you. "No, nothing's wrong," you answer back.
"Well, this is Henry," she said (I feel like HENRY was a good name for the principal) "Henry, this is (Y/n)" She says. "Nice to meet you (Y/n)," The principal says. "I'm going on a date with him," She says. "Where'd ya meet" You ask. "We met just today actually," She says. "Uh, how come you guys Know each other so well?" You ask. "Baldi, which is said to be your teacher, requested him to meet with me," she says. "And for you, HENRY?" You ask him. He had a Nervous look on his face. "Baldi, requested her to me, since she would be MY LIKING," he responds back. "No time to talk, let's go henry," Your mom says cheerfully. You gave a 'Im warning you' look to the principal as he left the house. You watched as they left and you waved cheerfully and nicely.
I can't believe it was the principal who will soon be MY DAD?! I'm dreaming, I'm totally dreaming this! This can't be real! So you know what I did then? I went straight up to my room grabbed my phone and texted Baldi
YOU:Baldi? 😇
BALDI:Yes (Y/n)?
YOU:Who'd you request the princy to date with?
BALDI:One of my friends named (M/n) (If you don't know what that means it mean your mom's name)

YOU:That was my Mother 😊
Bitch you ded
BALDI:Oh I didn't know that😄

YOU:The principal is my dad 😡
BALDI: Good luck, I guess?

YOU: I love you😍😘
BALDI: What? You do?
YOU: Yass
YOU: 😇😇😇😇😇😊😇😆😍😘❤
Ah~ I got it out. I finally told him my true feelings for him. I'm happy. Then I remember, THE PRINCY IS MY DAD. I think of what my mom told me. His name was Henry. Henry, that name had a nice ring to it. Henry reminded you of your favorite game to play. (IT'S ACTUALLY I GAME I LIKE) Five nights at freddy's Sister Location. You loved the game.

Finding out that (Y/N)'s Father will be the princy. Wow. I didn't know it was her mother. She never mentioned to me that she had a daughter. Well she did but I didn't remember the name. I'm kinda jealous. I won't be around my (Y/N) but the principal is?! He better not do anything 'Out of the ordinary' or else. But that's not what shocked me. She said she loved me. I'M SHOOK. I'm going to be Flustered im class with her tomorrow, then I remember, it's a Saturday tomorrow. TWO DAYS WITHOUT SEEING MY (Y/N) WHHHYYYY. I guess I'll just text her. The New Days... Technology and electronics....

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