〇♥ღCHAP.14...... ღ♥〇

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Wait. Why did you hate Henry so much? Is it because he took the place of your REAL father? Or because you just hate him? But why do you hate him? Why do you despise him? Who knows, not even you know. Whatever. Then you get interrupted by Baldi.

"(Y/n), are you sure you're okay sweetie?" He said. Did he just call you sweetie? I guess he did.
"Uh, no actually, if you wanted to know the truth." You answer him.

"I hope you'll do ok tonight," He said as he looked at Bella and winked at her.
You were curious to know what was going on, that you got jealous that you didn't know what they were talking about.
"Mmmh," She nodded in agreement with him.
"Okay.. " Is what you said, as you looked at them both with a suspicious look on.
"Okay, now I'll tell you what I wanted I tell you," Baldi said as he used his hand to get something out of his sweater pocket.
Bella's eyes beamed wide open and looked back at you, then smiled.
Baldi smiled as well, with slight blush on his face.
He was nervous of something, but obviously didn't bother to tell you. He took the object the stood up.
He held the object in his right hand, with the left one free. Then he leaned one the left side of you.
"(Y/n) (L/n), w-will you m-marry me?" He said. You sat there in shock, you couldn't say anything.
Then you stood up and bounced, then squealed.
"Y-Yes!" You respond back, as he lifts you up in excitement then hugs you. Bella comes over and hugs you two as well. "I love hugs!" She says in excitement. You hug back, and Baldi does the same.
Baldi then kisses you on the lips then you hesitantly kiss him back.
"When will the Marriage be? Oh, and where?" You ask, then Baldi turns to face Bella and they both grin.
"That's why we already had this planned. The Wedding will be at The Park we first had a date. Then, it'll be in 3 days if you want." Baldi said.
You looked at them both, and they looked back at you.
"Yeah! There will be Cake, Bsoda, Candy, and cake!" Bella said.
"You said cake twice." Baldi answers back to her.
"I love cake." She said as she dozed off and on about cake, and what flavors you could get.
You smile at her, she smiles back.
"In 3 days is fine, we'll need to prepare," You say, as they both hug you again.
"Okay, I have the money for almost everything and anything." Baldi said. "Even a Ferrari?" You ask.
"Oh my god, yes. But I wouldn't waste it for that crap." Baldi answers you. You nod in agreement, then doze off. "Okay, I'll go to the Bakery later to pick a cake." Baldi said.
"What will I do?" You ask. "Uh, pick out what we'll wear? If you want?" He said. You tilt your head and then answer. "Sure I guess,".
"Well, that's settled, Bella will stay with your mother and that principal."
Baldi said as he cringed when he mentioned the principal.
You turn to Bella and look at her for a while.
"Take care there child," You tell her.
"Oh, I will ok!" She responds back. "Well, I'll see you when I get back." Baldi said as he grabbed a gray sweater. "I'll take Bella with my parents, bye!" You said and walked out the door with Bella grabbing your hand.

You idiot, you didn't lock the door

End of chapter

Hey, Monika here again. Well, I bet you're getting tired of me, but I wanted to let you know, that I'm sorry.

Now everyone can be happy---

Nope! It is I.. The powerful sayori! Hi there! Welcome to the guide of, "how to have a happy life"

1: Wait.... You don't have a life

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