〇♥ღA little Oneshotღ♥〇

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So I've decided to make a little princbaldi oneshot thing. If you don't like that ship or don't like it in general, please leave and don't bitch about it in the comments. You have been warned.... -----------------------------------------------------------

THE Principal's POV
It was a rather splendid day today, do to the fact it was a special day. It was Valentine's Day. The Children would make cards for their favorite teachers and give it to them. Luckily, I got some too. I was wondering if the teachers got appropriate cards from their beloved students, so I went to ask Baldi first. I slowly and quietly walked Into his classroom. I slowly crept behind his back and then I got ready to scare him. I grabbed his shoulders and he jumped up. "Woah! I didn't know you were there.... I'm so sorry, did you need anything?!" Baldi asked me extremely nervous but yet, worried. "Actually yes, but now that I think of it, it's not that important," I answer back to him. "Oh no, please do tell," Baldi still said with a worried look on his face. "Did you get some cards from the kids today?" I said. "Oh yeah, plenty of them, and how about you?" Baldi asked me. "Plenty too," I answer back. "That's good to know," Baldi said back. "Hey, has someone asked you to be their Valentine yet?" Baldi asked me. That was a strange question anyone has asked me. "N-No.... Why?" I said. I was slightly nervous about that question. Why would he need to know that? "Oh, nothing, I just wanted to keep that in mind," He said as he scratched the back of his head with a slight blush on his face. I smiled at that, do to his face when he said that. Why does he get so nervous around me? That Doesn't matter though. I left the room and said a goodbye and Baldi just sat there and waved as he put his reading glasses on. I always thought he looked cute with his glasses on.....

I guess I asked him a personal question... Heh. Well I needed to know that. I needed to know if he was still free to go. So that means I'll have playtime help me with something special I have in store for him....
After a while of writing on the notebook, I called in Playtime OR Bella I should say, to go put something on the principals desk when he wasn't there. Bella Quickly ran to his office and saw he wasn't there so she put it on his desk. She came back and told me everything that she did. I was still nervous about his choice.

I was in the School Faculty Room getting some nice warm coffee and went back to my office to see, a note. I sat down, and grabbed the note to read it.

This is what it said:
I was wondering would you like to ve my Valentine? I was wondering this for a long time now, and thought today was the perfect day to ask you this. If you say yes, put in yes at the bottom right corner, if no then put no on the left corner. 
                         Yours truly,
Yes                                 Baldi.

As you can see, I put yes. I've always had a feeling for him.... So I put yes. I went to his office to see he was on his computer. I slowly came in like last time, and quietly put it on his desk and did the same to get out. I was looking through his window to see when he turned around.

Baldi's POV
I was researching up some things about Math and so on, and turned around to write some stuff on my paper. Instead, I found the Note I ordered playtime to put on the Principal's desk. "Playtime never put it on his desk? I'll have a take with her later," I muttered to myself. Then I noticed he did read it. I saw a yes at the bottom right corner! I started to do a victory dance to myself and started singing random love songs or something. Then I sat down and got to work again.

The principals POV
I saw Baldi Do a little victory Dance and start singing some songs, I laughed cause it was cute. Then he got back to work. I went back in his office and surprised him again. "I didn't know you liked Dancing and singing," I said. "Woops, you were watching?" Baldi said Nervously. I didn't bother to answer I just kissed him. I felt him slowly kiss me back and then we pulled away from each other for some air. "What was that for?" He asked me. "Nothing, it's just you're to adorable to resist~" I said back to him. He Blushed so much I thought he was gonna explode. "Henry! Stop Already! You're flattering me!" He says Flattered at my action and words.

That's the end for now, but when I finish the real book, I might finish this little oneshot, at least sometime but not anytime soon...
THIS WAS NEVER MEANT TO BE PART OF THE REAL BOOK! It was just a short break from it..!

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