〇♥ღCHAP.3.A Grand Distractionღ♥〇

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I started heading to the Next Classroom. The classroom looked the same, just with an other kids in there. There were like 4 kids there. I walked in without disturbing what they were doing, so I quietly sat in the chair and waited for the teacher. "Hello there," I hear someone say to me. "Uh, hi?" I say. "What's your name?" They say. "(Y/N) (L/N)" I responded. "What's your name?" I ask. It's kinda funny I asked the same question. "My Name is Jack," Jack says. "That's I nice name, Jack," I compliment him. "May I ask a question?" I asked him. "Yeah, what?" Jack said waiting for a response from me. "What class is this, and what teacher do we have?" I asked. Then I see the look on his face. I could tell he was confused. "Well DUH! I thought for a second you were gonna ask me a real question but not that! Obviously, Baldi is the only teacher here! And the only thing he teaches is math! You have met him... Right?" He answered my question, but how was I suppose to know that baldi was the only teacher here? I gotta admit, Baldi is pretty funny sometimes. I wanna hear him shush me again! It was hilarious!
"(Y/N), you've met him, right?!" Jack yells (well that whisper type of yell? You don't know? NEVERMIND) "Yes, I have since HE'S THE ONLY TEACHER HERE!" I exclaim. Then outta nowhere, Baldi appears from the door and gets in the classroom. He slowly sits on his chair because he Doesn't want to spill his coffee. Mmmmm Coffee.... LUCKY GOOSE HE HAS COFFEE!! I EXTREMELY LOVE COFFEE!! "So, students today we're going to be Learning more math AND THEN MORE MATH THEN MORE THEN MOR THEN MORE THEN MORE math.. " Baldi Said. There was something off about him. His voice sounded more CRAZY like then normal. Maybe it's just me? Yeah it's just me! But Then I suddenly remember about the coffee. Mm coffee. OMG IT'S NO TIME FOR COFFEE!! "So class, today we have a Math test!!! Yay!" Baldi says in excitement. "Ok," We all say at the same time. (Almost on the same time I guess) Baldi passes our tests, and then as soon as I saw the first problem I knew I could finish it all in a second. I turned to see what Jack was doing, and he was writing really fast as well. I turned to see the other kids, and one of them looked severely stuck on one of the problems. So Baldi, said he needed the papers graded at the very moment so he could hand them to the principal. The boy who was severely stuck on the problem of course had a name, he had brought a folder (Unlike me) and he had his name on it. His name was Michael. Then I saw he finally put down an answer. It's was about time he put down an answer! "Ok everyone, hand me your papers, so I can grade them," Baldi said. The kid, Michael was hesitating more than I've ever seen anyone in my life hesitate. "Come boy, we don't have all day," I hear Baldi say. "Right," I hear Michael Respond back. "Now, now go to lunch children," Baldi said to all of us. So as always, I grab my lunch and walk to the cafeteria. Before I walk out the door, Baldi asks me a weird question, something really weird, something NO BODY WOULD SAY TO ME. "Do you read Wattpad?" He asks. "Uhhhh NOOOO, ITS NOT LIKE I'M WRITING A STORY OF BALDI X READER RIGHT NOW," I say. "A Baldi X Reader?! Wtf....... " Is what I hear him say back.


"Mr. Principal, (y/n) did nothing wrong, I asked her a question, and it's also her lunch time," Baldi says in a loving tone. "Baldi, I appreciate your help, but I did answer the question, and a broke the fourth wall," I say defending him instead. "But you---"
"But nothing both of you! Stop acting like lovebirds!" We both stare at each other, and giggle. "Principal, she's a student, not an Adult," Baldi says. I CAN'T BELIEVE EVEN THE PRINCIPAL SHIPS THE TWO OF US. "Yeah, and he's an Adult OR teacher, and I'm a child," I say too. "But that doesn't mean he can't like you, and you can't like him," The principal says. Then Baldi whispers to me "Let's break an other rule, let's escape detention,"
Then I say "Baldi your a LIT teacher," and I expected him not too no what that meant but he did know. "I'll detract, and you run out," He says keeping in mind that he has to whisper. "What about you?" I say. Why the fuc do I even care so much about him?Uh oh I'm feeling something heart touching. "Just GOOOO, " He says back. "Mr. Principal, have you found a date... Yet?" Baldi says. "Nah," The princy says (I'm gonna call the principal princy now) "Well, I found this girl ---
I Immediately ran out of the room. Then I saw baldi look back at me, and then wink. So I winked back

End of chapter



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