〇♥ღCHAP.8. Blacked out♥〇

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I was bored AF so I decided to make this chapter right now ok? Ok
Don't ask me how I came up with an age potion, the idea just came to my head when I was thinking of something...

"Let's go change your age!" Playtime or Bella said. "You don't understand Bella, it's hard to make one of these, you need many ingredients to make it," Baldi said to the both of you. "How do you know how to make one?" You ask him. He stopped and stared at you for a straight good 2 minute's or so, this gave you enough time to stare at him and his beautiful face. He saw you staring at him with a strange look on you face. "Don't ask me that question (y/n)...... never...... ask...... that...... question... " Baldi says. "Ok?" You respond. "Sorry if I scared you (y/n)..... I don't know what's going on with me.... I've been feeling weird around you," Baldi says apologizing to you. "Like, what kind of weird?" You ask a question to him again. He looked at you again... Yet..... No response... "(Y/n), I've been feeling....... Some..... Lust for you... I want you only to be mine... Just my (y/n)... I still can't control myself... I deny it as much as I can (y/n)... I just can't... Hold..... Back," He says shyly. You blush, noticing that Bella OR playtime was still watching you two. "'Baldi.... I appreciate you telling me, bit I'm afraid I can't do it with you yet...I Literally just met you this week," You said to Him. "I understand (y/n), but remember, I can't control myself for that long," Baldi reminds you. Then Bella jumps in the conversation and asks the funniest question ever "What's does lust mean?" Bella asks. "It's means NICE, yeah NICE," You lie to her. "Well I feel Lust for both of you!" Bella shouts. You and Baldi giggled a lot that you almost exploded.
You guys started walking to Baldi's house to make the age potion. You eventually made it to his house. Damn the furniture was beautiful there. It's all matched in some way (His house looks like your Dreamhouse AKA. How you would like your house to look like) you stopped in front of a room, in which you were guessing was Baldi's room. It looked pretty, it was also comfortable. He went to grab a pot and a cup full of hot water. He boiled it even more on the stove he had in HIS ROOM?! "(Y/N), You don't mind do you?" Baldi said. You stared at him in confusion as he took out a strand of your hair. You scratched the part where he took it out. "Owie, that hurt," You say. "Oh please, is this better?~" He says as he kissed your forehead. You blushed a lot. He had three strands of hair, then he took one out leaving two. "Why'd you do that?" You ask him. "That was the Important part... It's the part that makes you my age," Baldi says. You give him a 'oh' and turn to face the window. It was beautiful outside. "Done," Baldi says. You were actually surprised he was done. You thought that those kind of things took time. "Ok, so do I drink it?" You question. "Of course silly!" Baldi continued to mix some stuff. "Here, take it," Baldi says (When he said take it, it reminded me of the song ET My Katy Perry, you know that? Yeah! Ok whatever... )
You took it out of his hand and gave it a weird look. "What are you waiting FOOOORRR!!!" Baldi says. (Yes, he listened to the song "Love me like you do" okay? Don't judge him)
You took a deep breath, and you calmed as you saw Baldi's face looking at you. Then, that's when you drank it.. It tasted..... Sweet...... Kind.... Calm... Generous. Those were the things Baldi was made of.... Or just part of his personality. You started to black out, everything got blurry, you could barely see anything. You saw baldi's mouth moving you didn't pick up what he was saying though.... And that was when you blacked out

You guys are awesome people ya know? Yes! I'm sure you know!
Anyways, wish me luck since today it's my birthday! I'm turning 13! Yay!! Anyways... Here's some info about the story since you guys ask so many questions!!!

√~~~~~• INFO •~~~~~√

He's kind and sweet especially generous! His Zodiac Sign is Gemini. He was born on June 17th and he is extremely smart. He's sexual when he finds a good moment. He's 23 years old and he's a teacher!!

Principal of the thing/ Henry/ Dad:
He's kind and smart, and a little sensual. His Zodiac sign is A Leo. He was born on August 11th. He has a Crush on the reader secretly. He finds his way out of things fast and easy.

She's playful, sweet, kind, happy, and most of all manipulative. She was born on (Whenever a Libra is Born). Her Zodiac sign is a Libra.

(You Fill yours out by your own but I'll write some stuff down.. )

Your crush is obvious Baldi

I'm Playful, Childish, Crazy, and most of all A WATTPAD FAN! I was born on June 14th! My Zodiac sign is Gemini! My Crush is Baldi! (That's I reason why I made this book) So you know about me, and the other, NOW DON'T ASK ANYMORE QUESTIONS
Unless I didn't answer any of your questions here, and I wrote all of this for no reason, haha your really funny reader, your trying to piss me off right? That's your goal?! HUH? ANSWER ME!😄
Hope you enjoyed this story so far!

There will be more tea to spill very soon.... Oh and lemons are on there way!!!

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