Chapter One

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  I was just laying in my bed thinking about my late husband Nate.  It's hard to believe that he really is gone sometimes but I need to get back to the real world and be there for my son who doesn't really know what happened to his father. I was interrupted by a knock on my door. I looked up and saw my best friend Wendi.


  "Get up, get dressed pretty we are going clubbing. You have been cooped up in this room for almost 2 full months! You need to move on and get back into the real world!  Starting tomorrow you will get Jake and bring him back home and be the best mom I know you can be!" Wendi pretty much screamed at me.

  "ok." I said getting up off the bed and heading to get a shower. 

  "Really, that's all it took to get you out of bed? " She said with disbelief.

  "Yeah,  I was thinking that I need to get a life. "

  An hour later I was wearing dark blue skinny jeans,  hot pink tank top and pink converse. My light brown hair was down and wavy. Wendi was wearing a tight short black dress with black heels.  Her blonde hair styled perfect for her short length.  She tried to get me into a dress like hers but I'm a mom, I can't be wearing stuff like that!

   We walked into the club heading straight to the bar, I got a coke and Wendi got some kind of drink. We were listening to the music and I was swaying my hips to it when some guy came up to Wendi. I tuned out their conversation and looked around the club there was people drunk and acting crazy and people dancing. I saw couples having fun. I miss that so much someone holding me keeping my company and just being with someone that you love.

   "Hey Alex are you ok?" Wendi asked

  "Yeah but it's harder than I thought it would be. " I said being honest with her.


  "It will get better I promise and there is a total hot guy checking you out." Wendi whispered to me.

  " Did you really say total? " I said laughing at her attempt to make me laugh.

  "Out of everything I just said that's the only thing you get? Did you not hear the part about a hot guy checking you out? " Wendi whispered yelled!

  "Why would he be checking me out when I look like this and your standing there looking like that?" I said pointing out how hot she is and how not hot I am.

  "What are you talking about? You look hot and his friend is looking at me so I think we should go talk to them. " Wendi said pulling my arm.

  "This is not a good idea Wendi.  I don't think I'm ready to replace Nate. "

  "Your not replacing him and sooner or later you need to realize that you need to be happy too. Jake is going to need a male role model to look up to and you never know if the right guy is in front of you or not if you don't get to know people. " I looked at her with a smile.

  "I guess your right let's go." I said walking with Wendi. The guy looking at Wendi has brown hair with blonde in it, the other guy was tall with short brown hair.

  "Hey guys!" Wendi said being her cool self.

   "Hi how are you beautiful girls doing tonight? " The one with brown hair asked and his British accent standing out the most to me.

  "We are good just enjoying sometime out of the house. " Wendi said looking at me.

  "I'm Niall and this is my friend Liam. " The blonde one said and I'm taking a shot in the dark that he is Irish.

   "I'm Wendi and this is my best friend Alex."

"Hi."I said looking down.

  "Wendi would you like to dance with me? "Niall said taking Wendy's hand.

  "Sure." They took off leaving me with Liam.  He is really cute and I hate to say this but I'm going to try and give Liam a chance.

  "Do you want to take a seat?" Liam asked I sat down and looked at my hands feeling my shyness take over.

  "How long have you and Wendi been friends? "

  "For almost 8 years now. How long have you and Niall been friends? "

  "For 3 years. We have 3 other friends we met at the same time."

  "How old are you? " I asked

  "I'm 20, how old are you? "

  "I'm 21. Where are you from? Cause I know you're not from here."

  "I live in the UK. Have you always lived here? "

  "I'm from Kansas but I moved here a few years back. "

  "What brought you to Arizona? "

  "Well my husband's family lives here and we wanted to be closer to them.  I don't even know why I'm still here to tell you the truth. " I said tearing up.

  "What do you mean? "

  "My husband passed away almost 3 months ago and this is the first time I have really been out of the house. "

  "I'm sorry to hear that. " Liam says placing his hand on top of mine.

  "It's life everything happens for a reason.  Do you want to get something to eat,  so we can hear each other better? " I asked looking into his eyes.

  "Yeah let's go tell Niall and Wendi that I will take you home. " Liam said standing up. We walked where Niall and Wendi was talking.

  "I'm going to take Alex home after we get a bite to eat.  I'll see you back at the hotel?"

  "Ok just make sure she's home in the morning cause we have to pick someone up."Wendi said looking at me smiling.

  "Bye, you two have fun. "I said following Liam to the door.

  We sat at a small diner in the back talking about almost everything that we have been through.

  "Tell me something I don't know about you yet?"Liam said smiling.

  "Well I have a son his name is Jake and he will be 3 in November. " I said looking down hoping this won't change anything between us.

  "Really I can't wait to meet him."

  "Well you can meet him anytime. "I said smiling.  "Now tell me something I don't know about you."

  "Do you know who I am?"

  "Your Liam am I suppose to know who you are? " I asked trying to figure out where he was going with this.

  "Have you ever heard of One Direction? "

  "It sounds familiar."

  "It's a band that me and Niall are in with our other 3 friends. "

  "Oh I have only heard What Makes You Beautiful.  I never really have time to do anything cause I was working or taking care of Jake. "

  "It's fine. It's actually nice to meet someone who doesn't know me. Where do you work? "

  "it's use to work at the hospital but since Nate died I kind of lost my job cause I wouldn't leave my room." I said looking down.

  We talked for another hour or so.

  "What are you doing tomorrow? " Liam asked.

  "I'm going to pick up my son.  Would you like to go with me? "

  "How about I come over after you pick him up and we can go have lunch. "Liam said placing his hand on top of mine.

  Liam dropped me off around 10 and I got ready for bed.  It's time I make up the 2 months I missed with my son.

  Liam is going to meet him tomorrow and I'm actually glad that I went with Wendi maybe Liam can be the one that helps me and be there for Jake and me.


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