Chapter thirteen

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I can't believe my little boy turns three today. It's just so crazy to believe that he's getting older! We are having his birthday at a game place where they have games and pizza. Everyone is here and I mean everyone. Mom, josh and Carson moved up here last week so they could get settled before Jake's birthday. Zayn, Harry, Mary, Niall, Wendi, Eleanor, and Louis is also here. Louis asked if he could invite his mom, dad, and sisters and of course I told him yes. Karen, Geoff, Nicola, and ruth came. Lou brought her daughter Lux, Lux and Jake are so close in age that their cute together. Everyone was having a great time playing games.

"Hey Alex." Mom said walking up to me.

"Hey mom."

"Do you think Jake could stay the night with us?"

"Of course he can."

"Liam won't get mad will he?" Why would mom ask that?

"No, but we can ask him so you know he's not mad." We walked over to Liam. "Mom wants to make sure you won't get mad that she lets Jake stay the night with her."

"I will never get mad about that. He is your grandson and you have every right to see him." Liam told her.

"Thank you. When would you like him home?"

"Mom! You don't have a time, bring him home whenever you like." I told her.

"I'm sorry honey, I'm new at all this."

"You are doing a great job, mom." The party ended not too long ago. You'd think that my mom and Louis' mom, Jay being under the same roof would be awkward, but it wasn't. They actually left tonight being friends. Jake went home with mom so it's just me and Liam tonight, and guess what we are going to do tonight. No, you perverts I'm planning on a relaxing night with no screaming kid running around everywhere yelling. I'm also going to sleep in. I love my son very much but sometimes I need quite time. When we got home I took my shoes off and laid down on the couch. I have no idea where Liam went. I was almost asleep when I felt Liam lightly rub my back.

"Hey baby, do you want to take a hot bubbly bath with me?" Liam whispered in my ear.

"Mmmm, carry me?" I said turning over on the couch. Liam tried to pick me up but I took off running to our bathroom.

"Hey! I thought you wanted me to carry you?" Liam asked taking off his pants.

"It was more fun seeing your face." I said laughing. I would like to say that all we did was have a relaxing bath, then went straight to bed but then I would be lying to you. Liam and I are both young, in our twenties and in love, and we like having wild and crazy sex whenever we can, which is very often and probably more than you care to hear but that's life. At least we went to bed happy!

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