chapter 6

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      "So are you going to tell me what happened last night or are you going to keep me in the dark?" Wendi asked as soon as I walked out of the bathroom.

      We decided to get up early and get ready for Disney Land.

       "So do you like any of the boys? " I asked ignoring Wendi's question.

        I'm going to wait to see if she tells me what happens between her and Niall.

     " Yes ,you know I like Niall. We have been getting pretty close.  I hope he asks me out. " Wendi said as I got Jake ready for the day.

    We met everyone in the lobby and headed out to enjoy the day at the park.

    As soon as we got to the park Niall took Wendi's hand and lead her away from the group.

     " Well since Niall and Wendi left in their own group we all should." Harry said looking at Mary.

   "If that's fine with everyone. " I said

     " Okay. " Liam said

    " No funny business Harlod! If you need balloons I have some in my bag." Louis said loud enough for everyone to hear.

   " I want balloons! " Jake yelled

   "You can't have those balloons yet little man. Wait till your sixteen. " Louis told him.

   " Louis Tomlinson! " Liam yelled " You don't talk like that in front of kids."

     "Sorry daddy." Louis said looking down faking his sad face.

   " Can we go to Toy Story now? " Jake asked

   "Yeah I will see you guys later." Liam said taking both mine and Jake's hand.

   We walked to where Toy Story was and it had all the characters. Woody ,Buzz ,and Jesse.

   " Watch this. Andy's coming! "Liam yelled.

   All the characters fell to the ground.

    " Look mommy! It's just like the movies!"

    "Yeah. " I said bumping into someone.

   " Hey!  Watch where your going!" That voice sounds familiar. I turned to see my little sister Carson.

   " Carson ,what are you doing here?" I asked

    " How do you know my name?"

   " Maybe cause I'm your sister,  Alex!" I said nit believing that she didn't recognize her own sister!

   " Well I'm sorry dad's a dick and wouldn't let me see you!" Carson said hugging me.

    " Your here now and that's all that matters!" I said hugging her back tightly. " Carson this is my son son Jake and my boyfriend Liam.  Liam this is my sister Carson and your aunt Jake. "

     "Aunt?" Jake asked looking at me weird.

   " Yes I'm your aunt Carson! " Carson said hugging him.

   " It's nice to meet you Carson. " Liam said

    " How and the hell did my sister end up with a guy like you! Your HOT!" Carson said looking him up and down.

   " Bad word!!" Jake said yelling.

   "Don't talk like that in front of him Carson. He repeats everything. " I said my motherly instences kicking in.

   " I'm sorry the only kids that I'm around is Josh and he's fifteen and cusses way worse than me."

    "I'll let it go this time and let's finish this day off right. " I said

    " Let me just ditch my friends so I can spend the rest of my time with my long lost sister!" Carson said putting an arm over my shoulder.

" I was never lost you always knew where I was."

    " Don't ruin the moment sister!"

    "Dumbo!!!! Aunt " Jake said looking up to Carson.

     " Do you care if I ride dumbo with him and you two can have some alone time. " Carson said looking at Liam.

   " Have fun baby." I said to Jake.

    " I will." Jake said getting in line with Carson. 

    " How long has it been since you've seen Carson? "

     " It's been about four years." I said

    " Wow that's a long time. I couldn't have done that."

   " I had no choice but to deal with it and I'm shocked she didn't ask what happened to Nate."

    " She probably doesn't want to bring it up in front of Jake. "

    "Maybe. "

    " Zayn texted me and said we are all going to meet at the hotel diner for dinner at six. We should have half the park covered by then."

    " That should be fun. Do you think they will care if I bring Carson? "

     " If they do they can just leave. The whole point of this trip us for you and Jake. " Liam said kissing my lips.

     It was already five in the afternoon and we are pretty tired from all the activities we had today.  Poor little Jake is so tired that Liam is carrying him on his shoulders. 

     Carson and I was few steps behind them talking.

     " What happened to Nate?" Carson asked looking me in the eyes.

   " Two months ago Nate passed away from a car accident. We didn't even get to say goodbye to him." I said letting a tear roll down my face. Looking away and meeting Liam's eyes

     "Are you guys ready to head back to the hotel? " Liam asked waiting for us to catch up. Putting Jake down on the ground.

    " Are you alright? " Liam asked taking my hand.

    " Yeah everything's alright now." I said squeezing his hand in mine.

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