Chapter fourteen

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I have been living in London for two months now. Jake loves it here, he loves Liam so much and I could tell that Liam loves him too.

"Hey, you should invite the girls over and have a girl time." Liam said walking into the room.

"And what would you and Jake be doing?" I questioned.

"We need yo go out with the boys, and be men."

"Liam that scares me."

"Don't worry babe, we're men."

"That scares me even more.remember that he's only three."

"Yeah, yeah, I know babe. That means no hookers, no drinking, no smoking, no drugs, no juice after midnight, no having sex w-"

"Liam James! I don't want to hear anymore." I said covering my ears.

"Babe, you can trust us."

"Just go Liam, before I change me mind." I said laughing.

"Alright, have fun with the girls. Love you baby girl." Liam said kissing me.

"Love you too baby." When Liam left I got my phone out and texted Mary,Wendi,and Eleanor to see if they wanted to hand out. They all texted back saying they would be here soon. I then called Carson after looking at my texts.

"Hey Alex, what's up?" Carson asked answering the call.

"What are you doing?"

"Just sitting at the house bored. Why?"

"Can you do me a really big favor?"

"And what would that be, sis?" I still haven't told her that we aren't really sisters but we are by so much more than blood.

"Can you stop by the store and bring me two tests?"


"Yes, please bring them."

"I will. See you in a few. Love ya!"

"Love you too sis!" I ended the call and waited for everyone to show up.

"So you really think your prego?" Mary asked

Yes, I do. I have been getting sick a lot, miss period, and eating a lot." I said naming stuff off. As soon as Carson showed up I went straight to the bathroom to take them. Right now I'm sitting in the bathroom waiting for it to show it's results. Everyone was waiting in the living room for me to tell them. Well, this is it, times up. I walked into the living room with my head down.

"What did it say?" Wendi asked seeing me walk in.

"How bad do you guys want to be aunts again?"

"We will be happy no matter what it says." Eleanor said getting up.

"What does it say?" Carson asked

"Don't leave us in the dark!" Mary yelled.

"Jake is going to be a big brother!" I said finding it hard to keep the smile off my face.

"No, way." Wendi said

"How are you going to tell Liam?" Eleanor asked

"Can one of you keep Jake for the night?"

"I would love too watch him and I know Louis would love to watch his nephew." Eleanor said jumping at the chance. I told them my plan and they all agreed that is a really good idea. I just hope that Liam will be happy.

"Guess what happened with me and Louis? Eleanor asked.

"What?" We all asked

"Louis finally asked me to marry him!"

"When did this happen?" I asked

"Two days ago. I was waiting till the perfect moment to tell you guys."

"Harry asked me to move in with him!"Mary said

"Zayn finally asked me out!" Carson said

"It only took him three months." Wendi said

"Since everyone has something exciting to say, what about you Wendi?" Carson asked

"Do you remember my sister Terri?" Wendi asked me and Carson.

"Yea, what about her?" Carson asked

"All the kids she had went straight into DHS custody and she's prego again. Niall and I talked about it and we are going to adopt the baby."

"Really, when's it going to be born?" Mary asked

"In two months."

"Do you know if it's going to be a boy or girl?" I asked

"A little boy." Wendi said with a smile.

"Don't tell mom yet, okay?" I asked Carson.

"Got it, sis."

"I'm going to call Louis, to tell him to take Jake home and I will take what he needs." Eleanor said getting her phone out. "Hey Louis, Alex wants us to watch Jake tonight." She was silent for a few, waiting while Louis talked. That could be a long wait knowing Louis. "Don't ask questions boy! Do what your told! Love you! See you soon!" Eleanor said ending the call. Eleanor is the perfect match for Louis in every way. I said goodbye to the girls and started cooking dinner for me and Liam. After I got that table set with the plates of food and candles, I went to the bedroom and found an old gift box and put one of the tests in the box, and set it on our bed.

"Hey baby! Where you at?" Liam yelled out.

"Meet me at the dinning table." I yelled walking out of the bedroom.

"This looks really good." Liam said as I walked into the room.

"I try, baby." I said giving him a kiss.

"So what's rip this manly thing that you and the boys do with Jake?"

"We played video games." Liam said like this happened all the time. I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"What are you laughing about?"

"The manly thing being video games." I said still laughing.

"Well, what did you and the girls do today?"

"You will find out after we eat cause you have a gift in the bedroom."

"I'm done!" Liam said getting up. "Let's go!" Liam said grabbing my hand.

"Okay,okay. Eager beaver!" We walked into the bedroom and sat down on our bed. Liam picked the gift up and started shaking it.

"Just open it." I said laughing. Liam lifted the lid of the box and dug to the bottom of the box taking out the test and looking at it with this face I couldn't recognize.

"Liam, say something, please!" I said begging him to tell me what he though. If he was happy, sad, or even mad, I needed to know how he feels.

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