Chapter sixteen

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I can't believe this, I found out that I was going to be a daddy not even twenty four hours ago and it might be taken away from me. Alex was fine when we were cooking what could have happened? I'm pacing this room going crazy. I want to cry, I want to hit something, I want my family.

"Liam, you need to calm down." My dad said putting his hand on my shoulder.

"How can I dad? The love of my life is in there with my child. I could lose one of them or both." I said finally letting the tears fall from my eyes.

"Think positive, son."

"Oh mi gosh, Liam. What's going on?" Louis asked looking at my face.

" I don't know they took her back. They wouldn't let anybody in with her." I told him.

"Let's sit down and wait." Dad said leading us to the chairs. We have been here for over an hour now! They should know something by now!

"Mom!" Caron yelled with tears in her eyes. She ran over to her and gave her a hug. Zayn followed in behind her.

"What's going on?" Zayn asked.

"Something's wrong with the baby. We have no idea what it is, and we have been waiting for over an hour." I told him.

"I'm here for you, man." He said giving me a hug.

"Alexandria Johnson?" A man in a white lab coat asked. Me and Kathy walked over to him.

"What's going on?" Kathy asked.

"We managed to stop the bleed, and only one of the babies died."

"Babies?" I asked.

"Yes, they were triplets but now it's just two."

"Are they all alright?" Kathy asked.

"Yes, Alexandria is asleep right now."

"Can we go back and see her?" I asked.

"Yes, but two at a time till she wakes up. We don't need her to be stressed at all."

"What room is she in?" Kathy asked as I walked back to the group.

"What did he say?" Louis asked being the first one up.

"They said they stopped the bleeding, and that only one of the babies died."

"Babies?" Everyone asked shocked.

"Yea, there was three."

"I'm so sorry, sweetie." Mom said hugging me.

"It's okay mom, everything happens for a reason."

"Yes, it does son."

"You ready to see her, Liam." Kathy asked .

"Yes, I am." I said following her to Alex's room.

"I'm going to go back to the waiting room. Spend as long as you need with her, she needs you more than she needs me."

"Thank you, Kathy." I said giving her a hug.

"You can call me mom, now get in there with her." I went into her room, she was hooked up to an I.V and sleeping. I sat down in the chair next to her bed and took her hand in mine. I told her that I love her and kissed her hand. My life has changed so much just by meeting her, and she made it so much better. I know I made her life better. She has been through so much, she doesn't deserve any more pain. I hate seeing her this way, just laying here and in pain, it kills me. I leaned up some and kissed her on her full red lips that I love so much. I was waiting for twenty minutes when I started dozing off. I was almost asleep when I heard her beautiful voice.

"What happened?" She whispered, looking at me.

"They stopped the blood, and there was three babies but one died." I said looking her in the eyes.

"We're having more than one baby?"

"Yes, we're having two, can you believe that?"

"I'm happy that we still have two." She said smiling.

"Me too." I said kissing her lips.

"I see your wake." A nurse said walking into the room. "How are you feeling?"

"I feel fine right now."

"Let me get the doctor and he will tell you everything that you need to know." She said walking to the door.

"Are you sure your feeling okay?"

"I am, baby."

"Your so strong."I said squeezing her hand in mine.

"How are you feeling Ms.Johnson?" The doctor asked.

"I'm feeling fine." She said smiling.

"Did you tell her what I told you?"

"Yes, I did."

"Okay, so what we are going to do is schedule a c-section when you get closer to your due date. Did you have a c-section with your first?"

"No, I didn't."

"Alright, your due date is February fifteenth. That's seven months away, and it know that's a long time but you need to be on bed rest. No walking around or lifting anything heavy, we need to keep you and the babies safe."

"Alright, when can I go home?" Alex asked

"Let me get your papers done and the nurse will be in her soon to discharge you. You have an appointment in a month at my office. It will be on the papers. Please take it easy."

"I will." Alex said.

Two + One = Family?  #Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now