Chapter nineteen

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"Do you have everything ready." Liam asked

"Yes, Liam. I got everything ready last night before I went to bed."I told him getting into the car. Today is February 8, 2013 and our babies will be here today. I can't believe how fast time flies.

~after the c-section~

I was in so much pain, I couldn't wait to hold my babies. Finally I was wheeled back to my hospital room where my whole family was. All the boys and their girlfriends, my mom and brother. Karen, Geoff, Nicola, and Ruth was all there. Liam came up and gave me a kiss.

"Their so beautiful!" Liam said. "Nobody else got to see them but me."

"Here's your little girl." The nurse said handing me, my beautiful Teagan Rose. I cried like I did when I had Jake. I gave her a kiss and handed her to Liam.

"And your little boy." She said handing me Kyle James. "Hit the call button if you need anything." She said then left.

"Liam, look at them, their ours." I said crying more.

"I know, baby. It's just you, me, and our three beautiful babies." Liam said as I held the twins and Liam held me and Jake. My mother and Karen took pictures.

"Our first family picture!" I said.

"I can't wait for us and the babies to go home." Liam said.

~two months later~

The babies are two months and I have the kids while Liam is on tour. It's hard some days but we make it. All the girls help and so does the grandparents. I couldn't be more thankful for my little family. Liam and I both decided to wait till the twins are five that well get married. Time has been passing by fast since I met Liam, it seems just like yesterday that Wendi and I met Liam and Niall in that club just two months after my late husband, Nate passed away.

Nate has been gone a year today, I'm not going to lie but it hurts like hell. I still love Nate and always will. He was my first love and Jake's daddy. Don't get me wrong I do love Liam, he's my everything. My best friend, lover, kids daddy,and my soul mate!

I believe everything happens for a reason. I also believe that Nate sent Liam to me and Jake. It's funny how life is, if you think about it.i had a wonderful child hood. I had a loving mother and father who did everything for me. A younger brother and sister who looked up to me. That family would do anything to make sure I was taken care of. Then I met Nate, that's when my father started hating me, why? I couldn't answer that back then. I loved Nate with everything I had and I wasn't going to let my dad come between us. My dad gave us hell for the two years that we dated then I told them I was going to marry him if they liked it or not. That night my dad kicked me out and said never to show my face again. My mother didn't do anything to stop it. Wendi, Nate and I moved. Nate died three years later and then I found Liam.

No matter what though, whenever something good in your life there will always be a darker day that you and your love ones get through it or it tears you apart.

I have been strong through everything God has thrown my way. With every twist and turn my road my lead, I will always be ready for a fight.

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