chapter 5

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~From Liam ~

Hey babe! Where a pretty dress and don't worry about Jake the guys and girls are going to take him down to the pool and out to eat. Be ready by 5.

"What!" I said out loud getting Wendi attention.

" What is it?" Wendi asked. I read her the text message.

"That gives you less than an hour to get dressed. Did you bring a dress?"

" No I don't really own a dress."

" I brought a few and I know one that will look perfect on you."

" If I wear one of your dresses I will be showing my ass off to the world literally."

" It will not its long on me and I can't help it that your a giant who almost 6 ft." Wendi said showing me this really pretty blue strapless dress. "Go try it on."

I went into the bathroom and put the dress on. It fit perfect the front went just right above my knees and the back was longer going down passed my knees. I loved it I paired it with my black flip flops and walked out to show Wendi.

" OMG! I love it on you! Now all we have to do is fix your hair a little bit and add make up."

" No make up and I'm just brushing my hair. If no one likes it all well its my body."

"Ok ok calm down."

Just as I was walking out of the bathroom there was a knock on our door. I opened it up to find Liam.

" You look beautiful Alex."Liam said walking in.

" Take good care of my son and don't hesitate to call me if anything happens and I mean anything. " I said walking over and giving Jake a kiss while he slept in our bed.

" You ready to go? " Liam asked taking my hand.

"Yeah let's go."

We walked yo a really beautiful restaurant close to the beach. We got a table close to the back.

" Thank you for everything Liam This really means a lot to me and you didn't have to do it."

" I know and I really wanted to. You and Jake deserves this and way more. And I wanted to take you out on a date to show you how much I really like you."

" I really like you to Liam. "

We sat and talked a little more till our food came.

After we ate and left the restaurant we went walking down by the beach hand and hand.

" Tell me about your family. " Liam said

" My mom and dad are back in Kansas but me and dad don't really talk and mom and I talk when we can without dad knowing."

" Do you and your dad not get along? "

" Kind of. When me and Nate got together dad didn't like it. He got madder and stopped talking to me after we told him that we're getting married. So he didn't show up to my wedding or was there when Jake was born." I said looking down " I haven't seen my mom in over 2 years and I would do anything to see her again. "

"I'm so sorry Alex. I shouldn't have said anything ." Liam said hugging me.

" It's fine. You didn't know. Do you have any siblings? "

" I have two older sisters. What about you?"

"I have a younger sister and brother. " I said taking my flip flops off and walking to the water. Liam started talking his shoes off.

" Thank you for taking me to the beach. I have always wanted to go."

" I know you told me. Do you want to swim?"

" Let's walk a little further where no one's at." I said walking.

There is hardly anyone on the beach today so it was easy finding a spot to swim. We sat our shoes down and put our phones in our shoes.

" Do you like swimming? " Liam asked going further into the ocean.

" I love the water. I always wanted to live by the ocean." I said swimming to Liam.

" Maybe one day you will live by the ocean." Liam said putting his hands on my waist. " I have a question for you Alex. "

" Ask away. "

" I know we haven't known each other long but I know am falling hard for you and Jake is a big bonus in which I'm planning on helping you take care of Jake in any way I can. What I'm trying to say is will you be my girlfriend?" Did Liam really just ask me out? I have fallin' hard for Liam too. He accepts me for me and willing to help me with Jake.

" Yes Liam! " I said with the world's biggest smile on my face. Liam wrapped his arms around me in a hug then his lips were on mine kissing me. I didn't even hesitate to kiss him back. I have only kissed one guy before Liam.

So d are my life has turned around for the best! Maybe Nate sent Liam to me for both Jake and me! It seems like fate!

Around 8 we decided to head back to the hotel. I missed my baby boy.

Liam walked me to my room.

" I had a really good time Alex I will see you tomorrow. Goodnight love." Liam said kissing my lips.

" Goodnight Liam. " I said walking into my room.

" What happened! " Wendi said pretty much jumping on me.

" All you need to know is that Liam asked me to be his girlfriend and kissed me twice! " I said walking into the bathroom getting ready for bed. All I heard was Wendi screaming then it ended. I guess she remembered that Jake was sleeping.

I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings me!

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