Chapter eight

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I woke up the next morning with arms around my waist remembering everything that happened last night. I stayed the night with Liam all we did was make out. I don't think I'm ready to do anything else right now.

I stayed the night with Liam all we did was make out. I don't think I'm ready to do anything else right now.

I jumped up remembering I forgot a very important thing last night.mi reached for my phone seeing if Wendi or Carson texted me saying they had Jake but there was nothing on my phone. How can I forget my own kid.

"Liam." I said waking him up.

"What's wrong?" Liam asked waking up.

"We have to find Jake!" I said panicking.

"Don't worry. He stayed the night with Zayn, he texted me last night after you fell asleep and I didn't want to wake you up." Liam said kissing my lips.

" I'm sorry I have been on edge lately." I said looking down.

"Don't worry about it, love. You have been through so much. You deserve to be happy and I hope that's with me." Liam said taking my hand.

"It is. I'm so glad I met you that night." I said kissing his lips.

"I'm happy with you too." Liam said kissing me back harder.


"Zayn!" I heard Perrie yell.

"What?" I asked still laying.

"Why is Jake here?"

"Cause I offered to watch him last night. Why?" I said sitting up.

"Why do you do that. You always do things without asking me."

"Lower your voice before you wake Jake up. And I don't have to ask you for permission to do anything. If I want to watch my nephew, I will."

"He's not even your nephew!"

"He is now and if you don't like it you can leave." I said getting up and grabbing Jake.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm not going to let you wake him up." I said walking out the door.

I headed to Liam's room and knocked. Liam answered the door.

"Hey, what's wrong man?"

"Perrie." Is all I said as I walked in.

"What did she do?" Liam asked.

"She was yelling at me cause I let Jake stay the night with me." I said setting Jake down on the couch I'm surprised he's still asleep.

"Why would someone get mad about that?" Liam asked

"I don't know. I told her that I wanted my nephew to stay the night with me and all she said was he's not even your nephew and that really made me mad." I told Liam what Perrie said.

"What did you tell her after that?"

"I told her that he is now and if she doesn't like it she can leave."

"Did you really take up for my son?" I heard Alex ask. I didn't even hear her enter the room.

"Yes, I would do anything for him.. I don't care what anyone says, he is my nephew." I don't care if Perrie leaves. It just shows that she doesn't really care about me. I don't know why or how but I feel like I need to be here for Jake,even if Liam and Alex don't stay together, I feel like he needs me more than anyone knows!

"Do you think Perrie would leave?" Liam asked.

"Right now Liam, I couldn't careless. She is suppose to be here for me. Why am I the one that always has to be there for her? I have known you and the boys way longer than her and I'm kind of getting tired of her coming between us. And as far as I'm concerned your all my brothers, and El, Mary, Alex, and Wendi are my sisters no matter what and Jake will always be my nephew." I said ranting about everything that has been bottled up for who knows how long.

"Do you feel better now, Zayn?" Alex asked giving me a hug.

"Yes, I actually do. I've been holding that in for way too long."

"Let's get changed and meet everyone at the dinning room before we get ready to leave." Liam said.

"Alright, I will meet you guys there." I said giving Jake a kiss on the forehead before I left to go back to my room yo change.

Maybe Perrie has cooled off it's been almost an hour since I left the room.


"I love how Zayn says Jake as his nephew and would do anything for him." I told Liam as we sat in the dinning room waiting for everyone to show up.

"Zayn is a good person, I can't believe how Perrie is acting about this. It's really immature if you ask me." Liam said

"Hey." El said as her and Louis sat down at our table.

"Hey!" Liam said.

"How was your night?" Louis asked us.

"It was good." I said

"Hey what's the crack?" Niall said as Harry, Mary, Niall, and Wendi sat down.

"What happened with you and Carson?" I asked Wendi.

"I told her everything and how I broke up with him right when you told me. I think she believed me. You know I'm not like that." Wendi said

"I know. Have you talked to her today?"

"Yea, I told her to meet us here, so she should be here soon."

"Thank you, Wendi. For trying to work it out with her." I said as I saw Carson.

"Hey Alex, I'm sorry for everything." Carson said as she sat down.

"It's okay. I'm just glad to have my sister back." I said smiling.

"Hey guys." Zayn said sitting down by himself.

"What happened?" I asked Zayn. Everyone but Liam giving me a funny look.

"She was gone along with her bags." Zayn said acting like it didn't bother him.

"Are you okay?" Liam asked.

"Yea, like I told you and Alex. You guys are my brothers and sisters and Jake is my nephew. Perrie is not going to come between us anymore."

"I was thinking we could go to Kansas so you can see your family, Alex. Zayn could go with us." Liam said putting his hand on top of mine.

"I don't know, Liam." I said looking at Carson.

"Come on sis. It will be fun." Caron said.

"We can always leave if something happens." Liam said

"Alright, when do we leave?"

"Three days, that gives us enough time to get you and Jake some more clothes, and so we can wash ours." Liam said

"This should be fun." I said not really looking forward to seeing my dad but I can't wait to see my mom or little brother.

"What are the rest of you going to do?" Liam asked.

"Me and El are going to spend sometime with my family." Louis said.

"Same with us." Harry said

"We are going back to Arizona then heading to Kansas in a week so Wendi can see her family." Niall said.

"Have fun seeing all of your family." I said to them all.

"I hope everything goes good with your family." Mary said.

"I hope so too. It will probably be crazy knowing my dad, but I do want my kid knowing his grandparents.

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