Chapter Seventeen

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I'm seven months now, that means only two months left! Yay, I can't wait two meet my babies! Jake Is excited to meet his little brother and sister. Zayn and Carson are dating and talking about moving in together. Niall and Wendi adopted her nephew and named him James Horan. He is so cute and I love seeing his smile. Louis and Eleanor are getting married in June. Harry and Mary are going strong.

"Hey baby, Jake's going to stay the night with mom and dad." Liam said carrying jake on his hip.

"Come here and give mamma a kiss." Liam brought Jake over to me. "Mommy loves you."

"Love you." Jake said giving me a kiss.

"I'll be right back. Do you want anything?"


"The usual, baby?"

"Yes, please."

"Anything for you, love." Liam said kissing me.

"Love you, baby."

"Love you too." Liam said kissing me again. Liam left to take Jake yo his parents. If your wondering how the babies are doing, they are healthy and growing perfectly.

"Baby, I got your food." Liam said rubbing my arm.

"Tank you, baby." I said sitting up. Liam sat down next to me. "Have you thought about any names?"

"Yeah, I thought of a few."

"What are some that you like?"

"Kyle James, Teagan Rose."

"Give them our middle names?"

"Yea, why not?" Liam said

"I love you, Liam."

"I love you too." Liam said kissing me. "Do you still want to move?"

"We are going to need a place."

"I was looking online and I found the perfect place."

"I trust you, baby." I said kissing him.

"That's what I love about you. I have another question to ask you."


"Will you marry me, Alexandria Rose, I love you so much, I want you to be mine forever?" Liam said getting down on one knee and an open box with the most beautiful ring I have ever seen.

"Yes!" I said smiling big. I can't believe Liam asked me to marry him. In a year from now Liam and I will be living in a new house with three kids and Jake will be starting school next year. Time sure does fly by!

What are you thinking about?" Liam asked putting his arm around me.

"Just thinking about everything, our future and how tired I am of this bed!" Liam laughed at the last part.

"Do you want me to carry you to the couch?"

"Can you even pick me up?"

"Yes, I have before."

"That was before I was as big as a house."

"Babe, shut up." Liam said picking me up and carrying me to the couch.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Do you want anything to drink?"

"Coke please, and maybe some popcorn we can share while watching a movie?"

"Sure thing baby, what do you want to watch?"

"A Cinderella Story, I haven't seen that in forever!" Liam sat down beside me with the popcorn. I hit play on the remote, and took a drink of my soda.

"Hey baby, let's take a picture." Liam said getting his phone.

"Okay." Liam took a picture of us including my belly then he took a picture of me and my ring.

"Why did you want those pictures?"

"So I could remember this day forever!"

"Your putting it on twitter." I said making a statement.

"You know me so well." Liam said posting the pictures saying ' Today Alex is seven months pregnant with Teagan Rose and Kyle James. Today I also asked my best friend to marry me and she said yes! We also are moving into a bigger house pretty soon! #TimeFlysWithYourBestFriend! #LiamPayneOffTheMarket!' I love how crazy my baby is. I replied with ' Could this day be any better?! In love with my best friend!' Let's just say our phones blew up.

"Look at this." Liam said showing me his phone. It was a tweet from Louis saying 'Awe @Real_Liam_Payne I didn't know you asked me? But you know the answer is always yes!' I got my from and tweeted him back '@LouisTomlinson he asked me and I said yes! #sorrynotsorrybigbrother!' Liam started laughing at that. Louis tweeted me this time. ' I think you got it wrong sister @AlexRose! @Real_Liam_Payne you better not be cheating on me!' I laughed really hard at the. Then Niall tweeted. ' @Real_Liam_Payne @AlexRose @LouisTomlinson why does everyone leave me out? And I thought what we had Alex was special?' I don't think I ever laughed this much before. I tweeted Niall back '@NiallOfficial I will always remember what we had!'

"People are going to be confused." Liam said and I laughed even more at that. That's how the day went tweeting back and forth, but it was fun!

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