chapter 4

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           ~LIAM ' S POINT OF VIEW~  

  Today we are going to California.  I'm really excited to be spending time with Alex and Jake.  It's crazy I just met her and I'm already head over hills for this girl.  I would do anything for her and Jake.  I have never felt this way about any of my exs I guess there is such a thing called love at first sight.


    I decided to text Alex before I get ready to go pick Alex up and head to the airport.


   G morning beautiful!  Hope u slept well! Can't wait 2 see u & Jake!  We will be leaving to get u in about an hour!

     I set my phone down and went into the bathroom to get ready for the day.

           *BANG BANG!*

    "LIAM get your arse out here! Your lover is waiting! Louis yelled hitting the door.

    I'm almost ready!  Keep your trousers on, Louis! " I said walking out the hotel room with my bag.

  "What took you so long mate?" Niall asked as my phone beeped with a text.

    " I was getting ready." I said taking my phone out of my pocket to read the text.

              ~From Alex~

     G morning Li! I did and how was ur

night?  I can't wait 2 see u either!  Jake is excited 2 see Buzz and Woody!

   I could feel the world's biggest smile on my face after I read that.


  It was good! I'm glad Jake is excited! We will meet them first!  We will be there soon!

   "awe!!! Look at his face! His smile is as big as his face!" Louis said pinching my cheek.

   "Shut up Louis! " I said smacking his hand away.  "Why do you have to bug people? "

   "Because!  That's who I am and I think it's cute. I can tell that you really like her! I still look like that when me and El text or anything. " Louis said laughing.  "If it means anything to you I approve and support you and I really like Alex she's pretty cool and Jake is awesome! "

   "Thanks mate! That really means a lot to me." I said as we all piled into the rental van.

   Louis can be really loud and annoying but he is one of my best friends. He has his moments but he us always there for me and tells it like it is. The rest of the boys are my best friends too. They are always there for me and I know I can count on them for anything.

    We stopped in front of Alex's house Wendi Jake and Alex where waiting outside. Jake was in Alex's arms looking like he could fall asleep at any moment. 

    "Hey girls and Jake! "Louis said opening the door.

    "Morning Louis. " Alex said sitting down next to me with Jake sitting on Zayn's lap. I can tell that Zayn and Jake are going to be really close.

   " Hey" I said taking Alex's hand in mine.  She looked up and smiled at me. She scooted closer to me and put her head on my shoulder.

  I'm planning on asking this girl out on a date and making her mine before someone else trys and takes her from me.

    We finally made it to the airport and wait about an hour and a half so we all decide to go to McDonald's.

    After we all ordered and we all ate and as soon as we made it to our gate it was time to get on the plane.  Only a few hours then we will be in Cali!

               ~AT THE HOTEL~

    We finally made it to the hotel and got our rooms. Alex Jake and Wendi is sharing a room. Niall and me is sharing and the rest of the boys is sharing with their girlfriends.

    "Hey Niall can I talk to you? " I asked walking over to his bed and sitting down next to him.

    " Yeah what's up?"

     " I'm planning on taking Alex out tonight on a date since we're not going to the park till tomorrow. "

  "Ok what do you need from me?"

    " Can all you guys watch Jake tonight? Take him to the pool or something fun. I'm planning on asking her to be my girlfriend.  I know it's soon but I'm falling hard for her Niall and Jake is just a bonus. "

     " I know how you feel.  I'm falling hard for Wendi.  I'm actually planning on ditching everyone the second day with Wendi. "

    "Thank you!"

    "I'm going to call the guys over for a meeting so we can tell them your plan. I want to know where your taking her."

   "You will as soon as the boys get here."


   A few minutes passed when someone started banging on the door. My guess is Louis.

     "Liam James Payne!  Niall James Horan!  Open this door right now before I break it doen!" Louis yelled through the door. How did I know. I thought to myself letting the loud mouth I call my best friend in.

    " So what's so important that I had to leave my beautiful girlfriend? " Harry asked sitting down on Niall bed.

   "Liam decided to ask Alex to be his girlfriend and he needs us to help by watching Jake. " Niall said.

    " We can take him to the pool and out to eat." Zayn said

    " What do you plan on doing? Louis asked

    "We are going to a fancy restaurant by the beach than we are going to walk the beach when we are done.  She told me how much she loved the ocean." I said looking at everyone.

    "Awe!! Our little Leeyum is growing up on us!" Louis gushed being hi usual self.

   I decided to text Alex but not give away where we are going.


  Hey babe! wear a pretty dress and dnt worry about Jake. The guys and girls are going to rake him down to the pool and out to eat. Be ready by 5.


    I put my phone on my bed than headed to the bathroom to get ready.  This is going to be a very good night. At least I hope so.

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