Chapter twelve

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"That was the longest plane ride ever!" I said getting into the car.

"Yes, but it was worth it. Now let's go see our home for the time being." Liam said. Liam had a two bedroom was perfect for us.i don't really want to look for a place right now. Liam had his mom get a toddler bed for Jake and even got him a batman bedding.

"Let's order pizza cause there is no food! We need to go shopping tomorrow." Liam said walking out of the kitchen.

"Liam, do we have to find a place right now?"

"Do you want to stay here?"

"Yes, I want go stay here till we need a bigger space."

"Then we'll stay here." Liam said kissing my lips. After we ate I gave Jake a bath and put him to bed. I went into the living room and sat down next to Liam.

"What movie do you want to watch?" Liam asked.

"Can we watch The Fault In Our Stars in our room?"

"Are you tired?"

"Yeah, I just want to lay down and watch a movie with you." I said

"Let's lay down." Liam said getting the movie and leading me to the bedroom.

"Baby, do you care if mom watches Jake tomorrow while we go shopping?" Liam asked half way through the movie.

"Yeah, that's fine." I said kissing his lips.

"Babe, I gave a question?" Liam asked

"Ask away."

"Do you see us being together forever?"

"Do you want my honest answer?"

"Yes, I want you to tell my everything that your feeling, love."

"I don't believe in forevers, I. See myself being with you for as long as we both live."

"I'm so sorry baby, I should have never used that word." Liam said rushed

"No, your fine."

"No, I wasn't thinking. I'm so sor-" I cut Liam off by kissing his lips, Liam deepened the kiss.

"I love you so much, Liam." I said pulling away.

"I love you more, baby girl." Liam said kissing me hard, I kissed Liam back with so much force. I climbed on Liam straddling his waist. He placed his hands on my waist moving his hands up my shirt. I pulled away, and Liam started kissing my neck. Things heated up fast, and that night I made love to my best friend. I got up the next morning around nine, I took a shower and got ready for the day. I went in the kitchen to see what their was for breakfast. All I saw was cereal, cereal with no milk, it will have to do this morning.

"What did you find?" Liam asked walking into the kitchen with Jake, both were fully dressed.

"Cereal with no milk." I said kissing Jake on the check then giving Liam a kiss.


"I'll go get that baby, it's mom." Liam said carrying Jake to answer the door. I followed them into the living room.

"Hi mom." Liam said hugging his mom with one arm.

"This cutie must be Jake." His mom said taking Jake from Liam. "And you must be Alex." Liam's mom said hugging me after she sat Jake down.

"It's nice to meet your Mrs.Payne."

"Oh no honey, you can call me Karen, or anything but Mrs." Karen said

"Karen." I said

"Mummy, by any chance did you bring us anything for breakfast?" I laughed at Liam when he said mummy, it was too cute.

"Of course I did, son." Karen said letting up the bag I didn't see. "Milk and doughnuts." Karen said walking into the kitchen and we followed her. She made us all a glass of milk and we helped ourselves to the doughnuts and Liam helped Jake.

"We shouldn't be gone long." Liam said.

"Don't worry about it. Make a day out of it. You two go spend time together then go get food."

"I don't know." I said

"Dear, how many days have you two had for just the two of you?"

"Two." I replied looking down.

"We'll get going, if Jake and I get hungry, we'll go out. Don't worry about us' I raised three kids." Karen said smiling.

"I'm not worried about that." I said hoping I didn't hurt her feelings.

"I know Dear, you don't want to make a bad first meeting. I understand and after everything Liam has told me, I believe that your one strong mum." Karen said. I don't care if I just meet this woman today, I'm going to hug her.

"Thank you so much, Karen." I said giving her a tight hug.

"Your welcome Dear, now go have fun you two." We told them both bye and left to the mall.

~skip shopping trip.~

By the time we left the mall Liam bought me way too much. I told him no I don't even know how many times. Liam also got himself a few things. I also told him how Jake's birthday is in two weeks, so he got a few things and clothes for Jake. Liam is crazy good to Jake and I. Sometimes I think this whole thing is a dream.

"Did you have fun today, baby girl?" Liam asked taking my hand. We were in the car heading home.

"I always have fun with you, babe."

"Oh I know you have fun with me. Last night was just the start of it." Liam said being a pervert.

"Liam James Payne!" I yelled hitting his arm. "You are such a perv!" Liam laughed and kissed my hand.

"I was just kidding, love."

"I know but your still a perv." Liam laughed harder at that. Over all I had a really good time with my man today. I hope everyday could be like this.

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