Chapter 2

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  I woke up to my phone going off. I searched my bed side table till I found it and answered it.

  "Hello?" I said into the phone.

  "Hey are you going to get Jake sometime this morning? " Wendi asked.

  "I sat up and looked at the clock it was almost 10. " Yeah I'm getting up. "I said kicking the blankets off the bed.

  "I won't be able to go with you today.  Niall is picking me up in a few to hang out.  How did you and Liam hit it off, "

  "I think we hit it off good.  He is taking me and Jake out for lunch today. " A smile formed on my face just thinking about him.

  "That's good. I better get off here so you can get ready to go get your baby."

  "Ok I will see you later."

  "Bye!" With that I hung up and headed to the bathroom.

  After I got ready to go I checked my phone one more time. I had a text message from Liam.

  ~from Liam~

   Hey hope u had a good night sleep!  Can't wait to meet u and Jake for lunch 2day!

  The smile on my face grew knowing that he can't wait to see me and that he's excited to meet my son!


  I got up around 10 thinking about Alex. Her eyes are just so mesmerizing and I just love her smile.  I headed to the living room to see what the boys are up to. 

  "Hey Liam." Niall said looking up from his phone.

  "How did it go with Wendi? "I asked Niall sitting down next to him.

  "Who's this Wendi girl?" Zayn asked

  "Just a girl I met last night.  We hit it off pretty good. "Niall said smiling.

  "Did our little Niall find a lady friend? "Louis asked in a baby voice.

  "Hey I'm not the only one who met a girl last night!" Thanks Niall just throw me under the bus!

  "Ohhhh!!!! Liam met a girl? What happened to I'm giving up on love and going to focus on my job. "Harry said.

  "We met the girls at the same time they are best friends and besides it's going to take a long time before she's ready to date anyone. " I said looking down and thinking about everything that she has been through already.

  "Why is that mate?" Louis asked being serious.

  "She has an almost 3 year old son and her husband passed away almost 3 months ago.  She has had a hard time with it. "

  "Maybe she needs someone like you to help her through all this.  You could be the one that fixes her."Louis said who knew Louis could be so serious.

  "Louis' right mate. She might need someone to be there for her. She has a baby and taking care of him by herself must be hard. " Zayn said

  "Maybe you guys are right.  I'm suppose to meet her and Jake for lunch today. I'm kind of nervous meeting him. "

  "Don't be your good with kids." Niall said rubbing my back.  I got my phone out and texted Alex when she wants to meet up and put my phone in my pocket.

  "So what's everyone doing today? " Louis said looking up.

  "I'm going to pick Wendi up in a few just to hang out. " Niall said

  "I'm just going to hang around here." Zayn said

  "I'll probably do the same as Zayn." Harry said plopping down next to Louis.

  "What about you Louis?" I asked

  "I will be here too. Why don't you bring Wendi by later?  And the same goes for you Liam. I want to meet Wendi and Alex and the little one."

  "I will think about it." Niall told him

  "His name is Jake and I will ask Alex if it's OK with her."I said as my phone went off with a text.


  Anytime is fine by me.  We are just now leaving my mother in laws.


Meet me at the diner we went to last night.  I will head over there now.

  I got up off the couch and headed to the door.

  "Leaving so soon?" Louis yelled

   "Yeah I will ask her bye guys." I yelled out to them.

          ~AT THE DINER~

   I got to the diner about 10 minutes later and got the same table as last night so the paps couldn't see us. It's not that I'm embarrassed cause I'm not I just don't want anybody saying anything to hurt her or Jake.  I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard the bell above the door go off.  I looked up and saw Alex walking in with a cute little boy in her arms.

   "Hey sorry I took so long Jake didn't want to get out of the car I had to promise him ice cream." Alex said as she sat down.

   "That's fine we can get ice cream after we finish lunch.  How are you doing? " I asked looking her in c the eyes.

  "I'm doing better it feels so good to finally be out of the house and being with my little boy." She said smiling at Jake.

  "That's good! Hi Jake I'm Liam. " I said talking to the little boy in the high chair.

   "Hi! " Jake said with a big smile on his face.

  "What can I get you guys to drink? " a waitress asked with a fake smile on her face.

   "I'll have a coke."I told her.

  "I will have a coke too and he will have a sprite."

   "I will be right back with your drinks." She said rolling her eyes as she left.

  "She was kind of rude." I said looking at Alex. " It's like a crime for me to be out with anyone that's pretty." I looked up at Alex and her face was pink while she was trying to hide it from me.

  "Do you and Jake want to go hang out with me and the boys today? Niall is suppose to ask Wendi if she wants to come over too."

   "Yeah that should be fun." She said smiling.

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