chapter 7

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We were all sitting at a table waiting on Zayn Perrie, Wendi and Niall to show up.

" who all are we waiting for?" carson asked staring at something.

" Just Zayn , Perrie, Wendi and Niall." Louis answered.

" Is he talking about the same Wendi that I'm thinking?"

" Be nice." I warned "She is my friend and you just need to let the past go." I said

"You need to tell me about this later. I want to know. " Liam whispered in my ear.

" Hey Alex, do you see that really hot guy walking in?" I looked and noticed who it was.

"Yeah that's Zayn. Don't jump the gun just yet. He has a girlfriend and she is on this trip with us."

"If he has a girlfriend I will leave him alone. "

" I know you a little too well, Carson. "

"HAHAHA very funny. " Carson said with a fake laugh.

" Are you related to Louis by any chance? " Harry asked looking at Carson.

" No, believe me I would know if I'm related to someone British. "

" What do you mean by that anyways Harry?" Louis asked looking at him with a sassy look.

" What I mean is that she has the same sense of humor as you. The only difference is that she's funny and your not."

" Okay. that makes sens- Hey what do you mean I'm not funny, you peasant!" Louis yelled causing everyone to look our way.

" Hey guys." Zayn said saving Harry from answering.

" Thank you, Zayn. " Harry said

"Where's Perrie? " Mary asked

"She's tired and wanted me to bring her something back when I head back up.


~ before he's sits down~

"Are you sure you don't want to come down stairs with me?" I asked as Perrie laid down on our bed.

" Yeah, I'm just going to take a nap. Today wore me out."

"Do you want me to bring you anything back for you to eat?"

"Yeah, if you don't mind."

"I'll be back." I said walking out the door and down the elevator.

When I walked into the dinner my eyes landed on a really pretty girl sitting with everyone.

Is it wrong to have these feelings when I'm with someone? I just can't help it, this girl is just so pretty. She looks a lot like Alex but with blue eyes and a little shorter than her.

Every time I try to look away my eyes wonder right back to her. Who is this girl and what has she done to me.

I shouldn't be feeling this way I have a girlfriend. What am I going to with myself better yet what am I getting myself into.


"Hey sorry we're late guys." Wendi said sitting down.

"Hey Wendi, long time no see." Carson said giving Wendi an evil look.

"Hey Carson, I haven't seen you in a long time." Wendi said ignoring her comment.

"Remember the last time we talked?" Carson asked

"Carson! That's enough!" I said I just got my sister back but I don't want to lose her or Wendi. They are both my best friends.

"No, I want to know why she did it!" Carson said

"Did what?" Wendi asked.

"You know what!"

I got up. "Will you watch Jake and make sure he eats?" I asked moving away form the table.

"Zayn can you please watch him?" I heard Liam ask. I didn't hear Zayn's respond cause I was at the elevator by now waiting for it.

"Hey, you alright baby?" Liam asked taking my hand as the elevator doors opened.

We made it to our floor in quiet.

"Let's go into my room." Liam said leading me to his hotel room, which is just right next door to mine.

We went into his room and sat down on his bed (Liam's and my rooms had two bedrooms and the rest has just one room with two beds.)

"What's wrong babe?"

"I'm just tired I guess. My sister coming back into my life after all this time and it feels like nothing has changed. They start right off fighting."

"Just forget about them for a little while, babe." Liam said taking me into his arms.

" I'll try." I said

" I know what will make you forget all about them." Liam said pulling me in closer to him.

He kissed my lips and the butterflies just exploded in my stomach. I kissed him back with so much force.

Liam moved to his side still kissing me. He put his hand at the bottom of my tank top lifting the bottom of it up just enough to put his hand on my bare side.


" See you always come between me and my best friend!" Wendi said to Carson.

"Well, maybe you shouldn't have stole my boyfriend!" Carson yelled.

These girls are crazy, I can see why Alex left.

I didn't even know that was your boyfriend. He asked me out so I thought he was single." Wendi said

"I'm going to take Jake upstairs and we are going to order room service." I said getting up and picking Jake up.

"What would you like to eat?" I asked Jake. Perrie was in our bed asleep.

"Hotdog!" Jake said. I remember Alex told us that his all time favorite food is hotdogs. No, I don't like Alex, I see her as a sister and Jake as my nephew. 'But you see Carson as more than a sister.' The voice in my head said.

We ate our food and I cleaned Jake up. I changed his nappy and put his pjs on that was in his bag. I laid him down in the bed next to mine.

"Lay with me?"

" let me text your mom and Liam real fast and I will be right back." I said tucking him in.

I sent a quick text to Liam telling him that I will keep Jake with me tonight and not to worry.

I changed into a pair of shorts and a white v neck. I laid down next to him.

"Goodnight buddy." I said kissing him on the forehead.

"Night uncle Zayn." Jake said cuddling closer to me.

I see what people mean when they say no matter how crazy the day or world is, whenever you see the smile of a kid your heart melts and feels happy. I love seeing this little guys smile.

I can't wait to have a little one of my own one day."

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