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I wasn't sitting on the floor long when Liam came out of the bedroom fully dressed.

"What's wrong baby girl?" Liam asked pulling me into his arms and taking me to our room. He sat me down on the bed and pulled me into his arms.

"Mom stopped by and told me everything. She told me my dad's name is Troy and he's from England. He waited till he was about to leave to tell my mom that he was married and had a baby on the way. Now mom wants me to move to England with her, Carson and Josh."

"That's wonderful baby. We can be closer to each other. I'm sorry your dad didn't stay in touch."

"He doesn't know about me."

"It's his lose."

"I don't want Jake ending up without a father." I said letting a tear fall from my eye.

"As long as I'm on this Earth Jake will never go without a father."

"I have fallen madly in love with you, Liam James Payne." I said kissing him.

"And I have fallen madly in love with you, Alexandria Rose Johnson. I want you to be mine forever." Liam said kissing me back.

"Let's get some sleep, we have a long day a head of us." I said getting underwear and Liam's shirt and putting them on. I climb in bed next to Liam and kissed his lips.

"Goodnight love."

"Goodnight baby." I said kissing him back.

Jake woke us up the next morning by jumping on our bed. "Wake up mommy!"

"What's wrong baby boy?" I asked taking him into my arms.

"I hungry!"

"Why don't we get dressed and get a bite to eat." Liam said picking Jake up.

"Where are you two going?"

"I'm going to get Jake ready, while you get ready for the day, love." Liam said kissing my lips.

"You are too good to me Payne."

"That's what I'm here for, Johnson." Liam said mocking me. I got up and ready for the day, while I packed our bags.

"Did you pack our bags and left me some clothes to wear?" Liam asked walking into our room with Jake ready for the day.

"Maybe." I said looking down.

"That's why I love you baby girl."

"I love you too." I said kissing his lips. We checked out of the hotel and went to McDonalds to get breakfast.

"What do you want?"

"Jake will eat a sausage biscuit and hash brown and I will have a sausage cheese biscuit with a hash brown."

"And what to drink?"

"Chocolate milk for Jake and and I need a coke."

"Okay, go have a seat and I will bring you our drinks and food." Liam said laughing.

Jake and I found a table close to the back where no one was around. "Here you go baby." Liam said handing me my drink. "I know how much you need your caffeine." Liam said unwrapping Jake's sandwich and breaking it in half and doing the same with his hash brown. Then Liam opened up his chocolate milk for him. "Here you go baby boy."

"I love how you take care of him without me asking you. I also love how fast you accepted him."

"Baby, I love him like he's my own son. I hope someday we can have a baby together."

"I know me too, baby. Just not right now."

"I know love, later on down the road." We are on our way to moms house to tell her the news.

"Hey mom, are you here?" I asked walking into the house.

"I'm in here, baby." We followed her voice into the living room.

"Are you done packing?" I asked

"Almost, have you two talked about it?"

"Yes, we are going to move to England. I want Jake and I to live in London."

"I know you do, Honey. Carson and Zayn told me how the band lives in London and I think it's a good idea to move where you guys know people."

"Thank you for thinking about me and Carson."

"Your welcome, and where is this wonderful grandson of mine?"

"Right here, mom this is Jake, Jake this is your grandma." We spent a few hours at moms, it was nice. She took the time to get to know Jake and Liam. We had to leave soon to catch our flight back so we can pack mine and Jake's stuff to head to London. Jake and I will be staying at Liam's till I can find a place for us to call our home. It took a few hours to get home and by the time we got there Jake was out. I was pretty much falling asleep on the way home.

"Babe, get some sleep, your falling asleep standing up."

"Lay down with me." I said taking his hand leading him to my bed room.

"I'm so happy that you and Jake are coming to live with me."

"Just till we find a place."

"How would you feel if we look for a house for Jake, you, and myself. I don't think I could go a night without either of you." Liam said kissing me.

"I'm quite fond of you too, baby." I said kissing him back harder. My life has changed so much just by meeting Liam, and I wouldn't change it for the world.

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