Chapter twenty

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Liam and I got married on April 7, 2018. Six years ago on that day we met for the first time.

Liam and I had another beautiful girl on June 21, 2019. We named her Aylssa Mea Payne.

Liam and I enjoyed every moment of our children's life's.

Teagan Rose fell in love at age sixteen. They got married a few months after her eighteenth birthday. They had three wild boys.

Kyle James, one of our miracle babies passed away. He was twenty when he was hit by a drunk driver.

Jake Nathan fell in love with Mary and Harry's little girl, Aubrey. They got married and had six kids.

Aylssa Mea, our baby girl fell in love and married Wendi and Niall's little boy James. They couldn't have kids so they adopted two. One boy and one girl.

Louis and Eleanor got married a few months after I had the twins. They had four boys.

Harry and Mary got married and only had one kid, our daughter-in-law.

Niall and Wendi got married and had two little girls and James our son-in-law.

Zayn and Carson got married after five years of being together. Carson was blessed with octuplets. Eight babies at one time! They had no more after that!

We all stayed in tough through the years. One Direction ended June 14, 2040. They ended it cause Louis passed away. It was a sad day for the whole world. It was even sadder for our little group. After all the boys left, Eleanor couldn't handle it any longer. On the day Louis died a year ago, El took her life. It was hard on all of us.

Niall and Wendi both made it to be in their nineties when they passed for old age.

Harry was in his fifties when he died from a heart attack. Mary passed when she was in her early fifties too. She died of natural causes.

Zayn and Carson passed like a true Notebook moment. They were in their nineties, they both died in their sleep, in each other's arms, and while holding hands.

Now to me and Liam. Liam was forty when the cancer took him from me. I lost it for a few months, but I had to be strong. Liam was my everything. He told me before he passed, to never give up on me or the kids. That there are always rainy days. He also told me to hold on to the sunny days cause they mean more to you in the end. I will always remember the last thing he ever said was, I love you, Alexandria Rose Payne.

And for me, I was the last to go. I helped everyone through their loses. I didn't have help in the end. I lost my mother, my sister, my brothers, my husband, my two sons, and my six best friends. I also lost three nieces and two nephews, and two grand babies. I was alone in the end no one left but my two babies and grand kids.

Looking back, I do t know how I handled it. I died sixty, SIXTY year exactly from the day Liam died. My last words was, I coming home, Liam.

I fought my last fight!

~ Authors notes~

I hope everyone enjoyed the story. Writing this last chapter, I had goosebumps from just thinking about their endings.

This is also my first story I have finished!

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