Chapter eleven

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I packed up all our clothes and shoes. I boxed up all our bathroom care stuff. The only thing else I cared about getting was pictures so Nate and Jake together.

"Do you have everything?" Liam asked

"Yeah, all I have is our bags and one box." I said taping up the box.

"Have you told Wendi yet?"

"Not yet, I don't want to bug her or Niall.

"They won't mind, she probably would be happy for you."

"Ill text her." I said getting my phone out of my pocket.

~to Wendi

Hey, do you and Niall want to go to lunch with Liam and Jake?

I put my phone down and changed Jake's diaper and sat him on the couch next to Liam.

"Did you text her?"

"Yes, I asked her and Niall to go out to lunch with." My phone beeped with a text from Wendi.

~from Wendi

Yeah, where do you want to meet at?

~to Wendi

Let's meet at the diner where we use to go all the time.

~from Wendi

Alright, we're leaving now. See you in a few.

I put my phone in my bag, and I grabbed my car keys. I'm going to miss my car but I'm letting Alice, Nate's mom have it while I'm gone.

"You guys ready to get something to eat?" I asked turning the t.v. Off.

"Yeah, let's go."Liam said picking Jake up and carrying him out to the car. I turned lights off and locked the house. We are keeping the house so whenever we want to come back for awhile we don't have to stay in a hotel. When I got out to the car Jake was in his seat and Liam was in the front waiting on me.

"Do you know what would be funny?" I said after backing out of the driveway.

"What?" Liam asked taking my hand.

"That Niall asked Wendi to move to London with him."

"That would be." We found Wendi and Niall in the back talking.

"Hey guys." I said putting Jake in the high chair and sliding in the booth. Liam sat down next to me.

"Hey Alex, guess what Niall asked me?" Wendi said

"Did he ask you to move to London with him?"

"How do you know?"

"Cause I was going to tell you that Jake and I are moving to London too."

"No way!" We ordered our drinks and food. I told Niall and Wendi everything that happened when I was back home.

"So let me get this straight, Carson is not your real sister? She looks just like you."

"I know, I was really hurt when mom told me that."

"Wait, you said your dad is from England and his name is Troy and he had a family and she was pregnant too?" Niall asked.

"Yeah, so what's the big deal?" I asked

"How old are you?"

"I'm twenty two. Why?"

"Well Louis is twenty two and his dad's name is Troy and he's from England. His dad cheated on his mom while he was gone on business before Louis was born."

"So you think me and Louis could be brother and sister?"

"I think you could be." Niall said

"How did you get so smart, Nialler?" Liam asked.

"Oh hush! Do you know your dad's last name?" Niall asked.

"No, but I can text my mom."

"Text her! We need to know!" Wendi yelled.

"Okay,okay, keep your pants on." I said taking my phone out of my bag.

~to mom

Hey mom, by any chance do you know my dad's real name?

I sent the text and waited for her to text me back. My phone beeped with a text message.

~from mom

His name is Troy Austin, why?

~to mom

We think I can be related to Louis from the band and I would like to know.

I sent the text and sat my phone down.

"Well what did she say?" Wendi asked.

"She said his name is Troy Austin."

"That's Louis' dad's name." Liam said.

"Liam can I borrow your phone to call Louis?"

"Yeah, are you going to tell him?" Liam asked handing me his phone.

"I'll be right back." I said getting up and walking to my car. I found Louis' name in Liam's phone and hit he call button.

"Hey Liam, what's up?" Louis answered.

"Hey Louis, it's Alex."

"What's up, Alex?"

"I don't want to make you mad or anything but do you remember why your dad left?"

"Yeah, he cheated on my mom before I was born. Why?"

"I found out a few days ago that the man I've been calling my dad isn't my real dad. My mom told me everything and my real dad's name is Troy Austin." I said in a rush.

"So your saying that we are brother and sister?"

"Yeah, I know it sounds crazy and you probably hate me for everything. My mom didn't know he was married till the day he left. I'm so sorry Louis!" I said letting a tear fall from my eye.

"No, it's not your fault or your mums. He is the one at fault here. And I'm glad that I have you for a sister than some crazy person and now I can say that Jake is really my nephew. When will I see you guys again?"

"We are leaving later tonight, so we should be in London tomorrow night and Jake and I will be living with Liam. By the way, thank you Louis for those kind words."

"No problem sis. When you get settled I want you guys to come down here for a little bit. I want my sisters, mom and dad to meet my new sister."

"I can't wait. I'm going to get off here so we can get everything ready for our flight."

"Alright, bye sister. Have a safe flight."

"Bye bubba!" I said ending the call and getting out of the car and heading back to the table.

"How did it go?" Wendi asked

"He said that he was glad that I was his sister than some crazy person and that he can really call Jake his nephew now."

"I'm glad everything is turning around for you, sister." Wendi said getting up and giving me a hug. We all said our goodbyes and we headed back to the house to make sure we have everything we need for our flight tonight. Alice will take us to the airport so she can get the car. I'm not looking forward to this long flight with a two year old!

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