chapter 3

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              ~ALEX 'S POINT OF VIEW~

    We had a great lunch and just finished our ice creams when we got closer to the hotel when Jake started to fight with me.

  "Jake stop trying to get down we will be there soon and then you can get down. " I said to a crying and struggling two year old.


  "Here let me carry him the rest of the way." Liam said holding out his arms for Jake.

   "You don't have to carry him." I said still trying to calm down Jake.

  "Go!" Jake said holding his hands out to Liam.  I handed Jake over and he stopped crying when Liam had him.

   "Well I guess he likes you. " I said with a smile.

   We finally reached the hotel and went up to the highest floor of the most beautiful hotel we have in the city.

   When we walked in everyone was sitting in the living room laughing.  Wendi was even there sitting pretty close to Niall.

   "Aunt Wendi!!!" Jake yelled when he saw my best friend.  Liam put him down and ran straight to Wendi.

   "Hey everyone this is Alex and Jake. Alex this is Louis,  Harry,  Zayn, and I'm sure you remember Niall. " Liam Said pointing everyone out.

   " Hi everyone.  It's nice to meet you all. "

   "How did Liam meet a pretty girl like you? " Harry said.

   "I don't think he even knows. How did you get her?" Louis asked trying to keep a straight face.

    "Very funny Tomlinson! " Liam said looking down.

   "What do you guys want to do? " Harry asked

   "We can watch a movie.  What do you want to watch little guy?"Zayn asked Jake.

    "Toy Story!!!" Jake yelled jumping down.

   "He's just like you Liam.  It's scary! "Louis said with a sickening look on his face.

  "Shut up Tomo! " Liam yelled

  "Bad word! " Jake yelled at Liam.

  "Yeah Liam that's a bad word. You shouldn't say that stuff around little kids." Louis mocked at Liam trying to make him mad.

   "Louis if you know what's good for you you will be quiet. "Liam threatened.

   "oooohhhh. I'm so scared I'm shaking in my cowboy boots! " Louis said laughing.

   " Can you shut it and watch the movie! " Zayn said playing the movie.

   Liam , me , Wendi and Niall sat on the couch. Harry and Louis sat on the smaller couch and Zayn and Jake sat in the chair together.  I think Jake and Zayn are going to be really close.

  I'm glad I decided to go with Wendi last night maybe Jake could have more than one father figure.

   Some where in the middle of the second Toy Story movie Jake fell asleep in Zayn's side. Liam and I were sitting pretty close together ,I was just hoping he would take my hand or something.  Maybe I should grow some balls and take his gand. Show him that I'm ready for someone to be there for me.

   "I took liam's hand hoping he wouldn't push mine away but to my surprise Liam laced our fingers together and looked down at me with a smile.  All I could do is smile back at him moving more into his side.

   "Why don't you two love birds go do something alone to get to know each other better? "Harry said looking at us.

  "What about Jake? " I said looking Liam in the eyes.

  " He's asleep and we will watch him. " Louis said.

  "Just make sure you bring food back for dinner! " Niall yelled.

  "Shut up before you wake Jake up." Louis said smacking Niall in the back if the head.

   "What do you say?" Liam asked

  "Sure we could go for a walk."I said holding his hand tighter.

   We decided to head to the little park up the road and just talk. 

  We each got in a swing and started to swing.

"How long are you staying? " I asked just now realizing he's from a different country. A whole ocean away.

   "I'm not really sure. Our tour just ended the other night and we have nothing going on right now. Maybe I will stay here for awhile or you and Jake can come to London with me and stay for a while. "

  " We can't go to London. " I said looking down at my hands.

   "And why not?"

   "We have no money.  I told you last night I lost my job."

    " Well I think you and Jake needs to have some fun and get stuff off your mind." Liam said taking my hands.  " I really like you Alex.  I know it's only been one day but I want you to know I'm going to take this as slow as you want."

  " What did you have in mind for us to have fun?" I said looking up to him ,seeing the smile on his face.  " By the way I really like you too."

  " I was thinking that we can go to California and go to Disney Land. We can ask all the boys and their girlfriends and Wendi and anyone else you would like to bring. "

  " That sounds really fun."

   " That's just the start of it. Let's get everyone dinner and we will ask them when we get there."

  " Alright.  What would you like to get? "

   " Let's just get pizza.  Simple and easy." Liam said as we started walking to Pizza Hut.

  Jake and I finally got home around 8 pm. So I could get him ready for bed and pack for Cali. Every one said they wanted to go. Niall is bringing Wendi , Louis is bringing Eleanor , Zayn is bringing Perrie and Harry is bringing Mary. There is going to be a lot of people on this trip.

   After I got everything packed I got in bed ready to go to sleep from this busy day we all had.

   I was almost asleep when my phone went off with a text message.

                  ~TEXT FROM LIAM~

  Hey I wanted 2 tell u g night! Hope u have a good sleep!  Can't wait 2 see u or Jake 2 morrow.


  Ty for 2day! Can't wait 2 see u either get night ,Li!!!

    Every time he sends me a text my face lights up and I get butterflies. I'm falling hard for Liam James Payne!



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