Chapter nine

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I can not believe that I'm on a plane right now heading to my parents. I haven't seen them in so long. Jake hasn't even met his grandparents or uncle. I haven't even seen my parents since before I got married. My dad never approved of anything I have done, he hated Nate and it just makes me think that he will hate Jake.

"We are about to land, love." Liam said.

Zayn and Carson is going with us along with Jake. After we landed we got a rent car and headed to my old house. My nerves just jumped up even higher as we got closer and pulled in.

"It will be okay. They will see how much they missed you." Liam said taking my hand.

"I'm not worried about my mom, it's my dad."

"Mom!" Carson yelled as we walked in.

"Sweetie, how was your trip?" Mom asked walking into the room. "Alex, what are you doing here?"

"I thought maybe we can talk things out. " I said as mom gave me a hug.

"I would love that. Let's go into the living room and talk, dads in there." We walked into the living room to see my dad sitting in his chair watching t.v. "Mark, we have company." Mom said walking over to him.

"Who is it?" Dad asked turning the t.v off.

"I'm back from Cali." Carson said

"You weren't suppose to be back for another week." Dad said hugging her.

"I ran into some people. Mom, dad this is my new friend Zayn, his friend and Alex's boyfriend Liam."

"What happened to Nate?" Dad asked

"He died a few months ago." I told him.

"I'm so sorry Honey." Mom said hugging me.

"You move on quick." Dad said.

"Really Mark, Alex just got home after so many years and you want her to leave us again?" Mom asked.

"It's not my fault your daughter is a whore just like her mother." Dad said looking at me.

"You will not talk to my girlfriend like that!" Liam said standing up for me.

"I'm your daughter too, and how can you talk to your own daughter like that?"

"Your not my real daughter, your mother just wanted you to think that it was me so she didn't look sluty to her kids."

"That's enough, mark!" Mom yelled.

"Mom I just came back to tell you about Nate and that you have a grandson. But I can tell when me and my son is not wanted here." I said picking Jake up and walking out of a home where I never really belonged.

"Alex, wait up." Liam said running up beside me and taking my hand. "Jake, you, and me are going to the hotel." Liam finished.

We walked back to the car and loaded up. We made it to the hotel and got a room. We got a two bedroom so that Jake could have his own bed and space.

"Let's get room service, then I will give Jake a bath and put him to bed. What would you like?" Liam asked me.

"Just get me and Jake some chicken strips and fries."

"Alright baby. Please try to relax." Liam said kissing my lips quick.

Liam ordered us all chicken strips and fries. Liam kept to his word and gave Jake a bath and put him to bed. While all I did was sit on the couch mad watched t.v.

"Babe, why don't you take a hot bubble bath to relax you?" Liam said rubbing my shoulders and kissing my neck.

"That sounds nice." I said getting up and kissing Liam on his lips. He placed his arms around my back and deepened the kiss. Liam pulled away taking my hand and leading me to the bathroom. The tub was already filled with hot water and bubbles.

"Liam, you didn't have to." I said giving him a hug.

"I know but I wanted too. It was my fault we came here and he told you that. He better not show his face around you or Jake. He had no reason talking to my girl like that." Liam said kissing me on the lips.

"Thank you Liam, for everything. You made me be myself again, the mother and friend that I lost when Nate died. I'm so lucky to have found you." I said kissing him back.

"Technically I found you." Liam said kissing me back. "Why don't you get in before it gets cold." Liam said pulling away.

"Why don't you join me, baby."

"Are you. Sure?"

"Yes, Liam. I'm sure." I said giving him a kiss on the cheek. I was drying off when there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." I told Liam as I put my robe on. I looked through the door thing, (I can never remember what it's called.) to see my mother on the other side with tears in her eyes. I opened the door and let her I .

"I can't lose you again or Carson." Mom said pulling me into a tight hug. "I'm so sorry Alex, I should have told you sooner. I know it hurts, will you please let me explain everything to you?" Mom said with more tears running down her face.

"Mom, you can tell me everything, just please calm down." I said leading her to the couch.

"I was in love with another man before Mark, he was my everything and we planned to move from here and to be together forever." Mom said calming down.

"What's his name?" I asked wanting to know the name of my father.

"His name is Troy, he was here on business. He lived in England, I was so in love with him. Our love lasted two months before he had to leave. It broke my heart that he was leaving me. I asked him why he didn't want me to go with him and he told me. He told me that he had a family back in England and that his wife was pregnant. It tore me apart. He doesn't know about you cause I found out after he left that I was having you. My mom and dad disowned me after finding out that I was going to have a baby but my baby wouldn't have a father. I met Mark right after your second birthday. I found out he had a daughter a year younger than you, Carson."

"Your telling me that Carson isn't my real sister?"

"Not by blood, but you are sisters by the bond you two share. I'm leaving Mark. I can't lose you again, I should have never let Mark come between us. Honey, I want to move to England and I want you, Carson, and Josh to go with me." Mom said taking my hand.

"Let me talk to Liam about it."

"Alright, I will be at the house packing mine and Josh's things. Carson said she will come with me. Her and Zayn are at the house packing her things. Mark is staying at a friends till I leave. Come by tomorrow and give me your answer." Mom said kissing my cheek.

"Bye mom, I love you."

"I love you too, Honey." I closed the door and slid down it crying my eyes out. I have no idea what to think right now.

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