Chapter 1

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Its 5:30am and I've just Rolled out of bed and brushed my teeth. It's an ordinary Thursday morning here and I open my wardrobe doors and study it's content. what to wear what to wear.

I grab my old pair of blue skinny jeans, a relatively new short sleeved pink top and get a pair of socks and of course my underwear. I then quickly get changed and go downstairs and out the front door. I take the Stoney path that leads to the stables.

The first thing I do is go straight to Emily. I open up the door and give her a quick stroke and hug to say hello.

I come out of her stable to look at the white board on the stable wall. It has all the horses information on it to say who needs feeding and where they need to be. I get their oats and feed them one at a time, always saying hello and giving them a stroke. I tick each horse off on the board to show they've been fed this morning.

I look back at the board. I need to put Ellen, Poppy, Jennifer and Alice in paddock 1. This is the female stable. We also have a male horses which are kept in a separate stable. I normally just have to look after the female horses in the mornings.

After I've taken those horses to paddock 1 I go back inside. It is now 6:45. I go upstairs to the bathroom to have a shower and get into my school clothes. When I'm done and go to the kitchen my mum is there cooking herself eggs on toast, with mine sitting on the table.

"You didn't have to make me breakfast you know." I tell her.

"I know." She simply replies. Well this would make a good conversation! Sarcasm sarcasm sarcasm.

I sit down and eat my breakfast without another word to or from my mum. We don't normally speak much in the mornings. Not anymore.

The TV is on in the background so I turn my attention to that. It was nothing interesting, it was just a gossip type of program with people taking the Micky out of other TV episodes. Fun. Not.

Mum would never watch this type of stuff. If she ever realised this was on she would turn it off in an instance. I guess that doesn't happen anymore either. Then I got into wondering why she even put the TV on in the first place. It wouldn't have been my dad, knowing him he isn't even stirring out of sleep yet.

Well I guess she just wants something in the background, no matter what it is. I can't help but think how she's changed over the years. She was always so full of life and now you can barely tell that she's in the room. I guess that's what happens after endless days of arguing. It's like each one takes another peice out of her every time.

I miss the old mum.

But I know she's still there. She's just trapped inside temporarily. Waiting to get out.

I've finished my eggs on toast and so I put my empty plate by the sink. I go back upstairs to grab my bag and return to sit on the sofa. I don't bother to watch anymore of that TV program and go on Facebook on my phone.

I have five minutes till I walk to the bus stop for school. I check my inbox and I have a message from my friend Kitty.

"Hiya April! I'll see you at the bus stop and i'll tell you about last night. :) xoxoxoxox"

Last night Kitty went to Louie's house. They're just friends, and I'm friends with him too, but she has a crush on him. They were apparently going to play on the Xbox and watch a film or two. I know absolutely nothing about Xbox's. I'm more of Nintendo Wii kind of person. So is Kitty so I don't know how well that would've gone.

As for her crush on Louie. Well it's quite obvious. Meaning very obvious. You can easily tell she likes him. Whenever he's anywhere in sight or even if his name is mentioned she goes bright red. I can't tell if he knows but it'd be surprising if he didn't.

I reply back a:

"Yeah can't wait for you to tell me! Xoxoxoxox"

And slip my phone into my pocket. I say a goodbye to my mum and exit the door.

(A/N: hey, I hope you like the first real chapter. Thank you for reading and please comment feedback and share and vote if you like. <3 )

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