Chapter 1

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    "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" My mom's energetic voice calls me out of my sleep. "We have to go to school!"

     I groan and pull the blanket over my head. I don't want to wake up, it's way to early.
    "Up, up, up! Rise and shine Sleeping
Beauty!" My mom pulls the blanket off of me, and pulls open my curtains.

     "The light!" I hiss. "It burns!"

      I hear my moms musical laughter, as she skips out of my room. "Hurry up, Nicole! We don't want to be late!"
      Sighing, I get out of bed and move to close the door so I can change.
      I grab a pair of light blue jean shorts, my purple Nike tank top, and my volleyball jacket. My jacket has 'Forks volleyball' on the front, and 'Hale' on the back with a volleyball and my team number on the back.

     I pull everything on, then grab some converse and run downstairs. I skip downstairs into the kitchen. I see my grandma making me breakfast at the stove.
    "Morning Esme," I say, smiling. Esme and Carslise asked me to call them by their names. They don't like to be called grandma and grandpa.
    "Morning Nikki," Esme says, handing me my breakfast. Scrambled eggs with chopped up bell peppers, mushrooms, and shredded cheese.

    "Thank you," I say, kissing her cheek. She smiles at me. I know Esme loves cooking for me.
     "How can you eat that?" Uncle Am says, walking into the kitchen. "It smells horrid."
     "I live with you," I say.

     "So?" Emmett says, looking confused.
     "You smell horrid," I point out, smiling.

     Laughter echos all through the house. A musical bell-like sound, it's very pretty sound.

     "Why you little-" Emmett starts, running over to me with his vampire speed. He picks me up and throws me over his back and runs out of the house, with my squealing the entire way.

       "Emmett put me down!" I yell as trees race past us.

       "Nope, this is what you get for calling me smelly, squirt!" Emmett chuckles.

      I can see the lake up ahead of us, and instantly I know what Emmett is about to do. I squeal and start thrashing around a little harder, hoping he'll put me down.

      He stops at the edge, and begins to throw me into the lake. Before he let's go of me, an arm grabs onto me and puts me on the ground.

     "Thanks Dad," I say, turning to him. "And morning!"
      My dad let's out a small chuckle as Emmett pouts. "Morning Darlin'" He says with his southern accent.

      "Come on, Jasper! I almost had her!" Emmett pouts.

      "It's not her fault you stink," My dad smiles.

       "Yea," I smile. "Don't dish it if you can't take it." Using my vampire speed I race back to the house and finish my breakfast.

       "I take it that Emmett didn't get to throw you into the lake?" Carslise asks, walking into the kitchen.
       "Nope," I say, as I set my dish in the sink. Carslise laughs and kisses my head.

       "Come on! We have to go!" Aunt Rose says, walking into the kitchen.

      I hear a car horn outside, signaling that Maria is here to pick me up.

       I grab my backpack and my volleyball bag and kiss Esme and Carslise goodbye.

      "Oh! I almost forgot!" I say, turning to everyone. "We have an away game tonight, I'll need someone to pick me up at the school around 10ish. I'll call you!" Maria thinks her horn again. "Bye everyone, love you!"

       "Love you!" Esme calls back. "Have a good day!"

     I jog out the door to Maria's car. I slid into the passengers seat, after putting my volleyball bag into the truck.

      "Hey Nic," Maria says, handing me my Vanilla Cappichino.  "Ready for our game tonight?"

      "Yea, you?" I ask.

       "Ready as I'll ever be," Maria says.
       As we drive down the road, Castle on the Hill by Ed Sheeran comes on.

      "Turn it up!" Maria says.

       We blast the music all the way to Abbi's house. Maria honks her horn as, Abbi runs out of the house.

       "You look like a mess," Maria says.

       "Maria!" I say, slapping her on the arm.
        "What?" She says, hitting me back.

        "Just give me the gosh darn coffee," Abbi says. "It's been a long night."

       "Spill," I say, passing back the coffee.

       "The twins are sick, mom's out on a buisness trip, Dawn is out who knows where, and the babysitter is quitting!" Abbi says all in one breath. "It's a good thing the twins are 12, I know they can take care of themselves for a while. Otherwise I'd have to cut school to take care of them."

      "What about the game?" I ask. "We won't be home till late tonight."

       "Oh god!" I completely forgot about that! Its fine, though. They know where the food is."
        "Let's just hope they don't burn down the house!" Maria says, causing us all to laugh.

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