Chapter 14

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Faster than my mind can comprehend, I'm being placed on my dad's back and he's running back to the house. Once we get there, He runs upstairs and into my room. He places me on the ground and grabs my blue suitcase.

"Pack quickly," He says, leaving the room.

Ignoring the fear in my heart, I go into my closet and pack a bunch of random peices of clothing. Then I grab all the toiletries I'll need, some shoes, sock, underwear, and bras and shove them into my bag. Closing it, I shove some stuff into my purse and run out the door.

My dad hands me a few thousand dollars as I get downstairs into the living room, which I put ijnto my wallet. As I start moving to the garage, My dad pulls me behind him and let's out a heart stopping growl.

The dark haired skin nomad steps into the room, with Carslise following him.

"I just came to warn you," He says, holding out his hands. Edward and Bella walk in at that exact moment, with Edward growling too.

"Edward stop," Carslise warns. "He's here to warn us."

"I've never seen a creature like James in all my 300 years," The nomad says. "He won't give up, this is a game to him. I'm tired of his games. Watch out for the women Victoria, too." And with that, the nomad leaves.

My dad pulls me into the garage, with the entire family following.

"I'll drive Bella north," Edward says.

"No Edward, James knows you'll never leave Bella." Carslise states.

"I'll take Bella," My mom says, taking Bella out of Edwards tow. "Jasper and I will drive her and Nikki south."

"Try keeping your thought to yourself," Edward growls.

My mom rolls her eyes and drags Bella into her car.

"Okay one of you will have to wear Nikki s coat, and the other will wear Bella's," Carslise says, adressing Rosalie and Esme.

"I'll take Nikki s coat," Rosalie says, grabbing my coat.

"Come on, Nic," My dad says gently, pulling me towards the car.

I look at my family with a sad expression on my face. What if I never see them again?

"I'll see you soon," I promise them all, getting into the car.

I feel hot tears run down my cheeks as we pull out of the garage and onto the road. I can see my parents holding hands,silently reassuring each other.

Everything's gonna be okay... right?
James P.O.V.
I've found her. She was with that coven of animal eaters. And from the looks of it, they care for her. Which will make hers, and that other delicious smelling girls death even more enjoyable.

Her family killed Nathan, my brother.
I cared for him more than I cared for my mate, Victoria. Now I will kill what's most important tok them. That girl, and her friend.

I'll follow the guy that the brunette human seemed close to. She'll never leave him. I can smell their scents going north.

I will find them, and once I do I'll make sure her family has to watch her die. And they'll have to suffer with the fact that they were to slow to save her. Then they can feel my guilt, My pain.
Nicole's P.O.V.
We arrive at a hotel in Pheonix just a little after dawn. My dad take me and Bella up to our room while mom checks in. Bella quickly falls asleep on the bed.

I sit on the couch in between my mom and dad, waiting for news. Any news. I have no idea what's happening, and even though I'm tired as crap, I'm not going to sleep till this is all over.

I feel a wave of calm fall over me like a warm blanket. I know it's my dad, He probably sensed I was tired.

"No Dad," I moaned, trying to keep my eyelids open.

"Sleep Darlin'," He whispers, pulling me into his lap.

I try to fight it for a few minutes before realizing it's useless. I lean my head back against my dad's chest and let my body succumb to sleep.
Jasper's P.O.V.
That stupid vampire is after my daughter again. Just thinking about it makes my eyes turn dark with anger. The only thing keeping me from go in to rip off his head is the form of my daughter, sleeping peacefully. Using my chest as a pillow.

I almost lost my daughter once to a nomad. If I had been one second to late... I can't even think about that. I hope Edward and everyone else can lead James away.

I felt my daughter's fear the moment those nomads stepped out into the field. She recognized them immedently. And i know James recognized Nikki immedently from the blood lust in his eyes, and the longing in his emotions. He wants to kill my daughter, well he'll have to go to hell and back to get her.

A/N: Hey guys! Still no Wi-Fi! Thank you for being so patient! I will be updating Daughter of the Wind and Sea soon. So I hope you guys stick with it.

This book will be ending in a few chapters but i will be coming out with a sequel. I don't know what it will be called yet. If you have any ideas, just comment!

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