Chapter 7

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"Hey Nikki," Naomi comes up to me in the library. "Do you want to come to Port Angles this weekend to go dress shopping?"

I look up from my phone. "Yea, sure. Just let me make sure it's okay with my family. But they'll probably be okay with it."

"Great! See ya!" Naomi skips off.

"Nice talking to you too," I mutter, going back to my phone.

It's been a chaotic few weeks. After I saved Bella, she's been very curious. Always asking questions about me and my family. Questions that I of course can't answer. Volleyball season is over too, which sucks because now I'm bored out of my mind after school.

The bell sounds, signaling the end of the day. I get up and grab my stuff. I have two free periods in the day. Both of them which I spend in the library. I'm considered very smart for my age, I'm in all advanced classes, and the school thinks I might graduate early.

I walk outside to Edwards car. Edward and Bella seem to be having a staring contest across the parking lot.

I walk over to Edward and smack him on the arm.

"Stop staring! You've got to be scaring her!" I scold him as my parents walk up behind me.

Edward glares at me as I get into the car. Taking one last glance at Bella, He follows me into the car. Most of the ride goes in silence. I stare put the window, thinking about how I'm going to ask Mom and Dad if I can go to Port Angles.

"Just ask," Edward says, breaking the silence. Mom and Dad rode with Rose and Uncle Em, so it's just me and Edward. "They trust you enough to let you go somewhere by yourself."

I nod, but my nerves continue to grow as we get closer to the house. When we pull into the garage, I walk up to my dad.

"What is it?" He asks, looking confused.

"So I was sorta wondering if I could... go to Port Angles this weekend with Naomi?" I said that last part really fast.

"I don't know darlin'," My dad says, his southern accent coming out. "Just you and Naomi?"

"No, Maria and Addi will be there too,"I plead with him. "Please Dad?"

He seems to think about it for a moment, before looking at my pleading face.

"Well I guess since you guys will be together," he starts. "And Alice will know if anything goes wrong... okay." He sighs. "You can go."

My smile grow wider as I launch myself into his arms. "Thank you so much!" I say excitedly.

My dad smiles at me, feeling my emotions rise. "You're welcome, baby."
Friday Night
"Okay, first we'll hit the strip mall, then we can go get something to eat," Maria lays down the plan for us.

"I'm so happy your parents let you come," Addi gushes from the backseat.

"To be honest," I smile. "I am too!" That gets a laugh.
"Addi, you look beautiful!" I gush, seeing her twirl in the dress she has on.

"Yea that's defenetly the one," Maria nods.

Addi's blonde hair stops right under her shoulders. It looks perfect as she twirled in a purple and white prom dress.

"You should wear those silver sandles I got you for your birthday last year," Naomi says from inside her dressing room.

"Oh, yea! I agree with Naomi. That'd be cute," I smile.

"Okay I'm coming out," Naomi calls.

"It's okay, we'll still love you no matter who you decide to date," Maria says, and I smack her.

"Hey!" She smacks me back. I dodge, laughing.

Naomi steps out of the dressing room in a two piece white dress. The top piece is all white and the bottom piece is white at the top, and then red-ish flowers are on the bottom.

"You look amazing!!" I squeal.

"This is defenetly the one," Naomi states.

The bell in the front of the store rings, signaling that someone else has arrived. I turn around on the bench im sitting on.

I see Bella walk in, looking very uncomfortable, with Jessica, and Angela. They go over to the seats by the widow, and start shopping.

Bella, looks uncomfortable, watching Jessica and Angela try on their dresses, so I walk over to her.

"Hey Bells," I say, sitting down next to her.

"Hi," Bella turns to me. "I didn't know you were here. Is your family with you?" She asks, cleaning her head to see if she can see them.

"Nope. I'm with my friends," I tell her, pointing them out.

"Bella, what do you think?" Jessica asks, wearing a pale yellow dress.

Bella stays quiet, unsure of what to say. So I speak up for her.

"Not really your color," I tell her. "Try a hot pink, or a darker color."

She looks a little surprised that i had spoken. We don't really talk much. But hey, we're in different grades. Freshman and Juniors don't really socialize much.

"Umm, thanks I guess," She says, going back into the dressing room.

Bella and I both hear a banging on the window, we look up and see some drunk frat boys looking at us.

"Hey baby!" One calls out to me, his voice muffled by the glass. "Wanna hang out with me?"

I give him a fake smile, and walk closer to the window. I'm completely aware of everyone watching me. Once I get closer to the window, I crouch down, so I'm eye level with him. Then I give him the middle finger.

My friends burst out laughing, as I wave to him and stand back up. I can see Bella looking at me with a shocked expression.

"What was that?" She asks.

I shrug. "Me having fun."

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