Chapter 6

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  I sit on the same hospital bed with Bella. With the same crinkling paper that makes a really annoying noise as you move. Bella of course is fine, the blood on my cut has finally clotted; leaving a dark red scab. I have to get out of here before I'm fully healed.

  A nurse is in there taking both our vitals. Of course both of us are fine, but just in case.

  "Bella!" Cheif Swan says in relief as he bursts into the room. "You and I are gonna talk," He says walking past Tyler.

  "Bella, Nicole I'm so sorry," Tyler begs for forgiveness.

  "It's fine," Bella and I both say at the same time.

  "No it's not," Cheif Swan says. "You can kiss your license goodbye."

  I smile. I like him already. Carslise walks through the door, and his stressed face immedently relaxes as soon as he sees me.

  "Nikki," He breathes, giving me a gentle hug.

  I smile at his relieved look. It feels good to know they were worried. He checks me over and looks at my vitals, before letting me go.

  "So I heard the Cheifs daughter was here," Carslise states as I leave the room.

   I walk out and see Edward and Rosalie waiting by a few chairs. They looked upset, both whispering to each other angrily. Neither wanting to draw attention to themselves.

  "You're so stupid!" Rosalie hisses. "She was just some silly human!"

  "Nikki was there too, Rose!" Edward exclaims back. "I had to help her!"

  "I have full faith she would've been just fine!" Rosalie says, not liking the fact I was being brought into the conversation.
   Now I feel guilty. It was my fault that Rosalie was yelling at Edward. If we have to pack up and move again, it would be my fault.

  Edward sighs. "It's not your fault, Nikki."

  "But if I had just listened to you. If I had just left! Bella might be not been standing there and then you wouldn't have had to save us." I was crying now, feeling really stupid.

  "It's not your fault," Rosalie developed me into a hug. "None of this is."

  I finally stopped crying just as Carslise came out.

  "Where's dad, and mom?"I ask, wiping my eyes.

  "Waiting out in the car. You know how your dad is with human blood," Rosalie in forms me. "Come on I'll take you."

   Just then Bella walks out of the room.

  "Can I talk to you?" She asks, looking at Edward Shyly, earning a death glare from Rosalie.

   Edward nods and goes over to her.

  Rosalie is still glaring at Bella, so I take her hand and lead her out of the Hospital. We walked to the parking garage hand-in-hand.

   "Why did you save her?" Rosalie asks, breaking our silence.

   "I couldn't let her die," I answer simply.

   "But what is she to us?" Rosalie argues.

   "To me she's a friend," I look at Rose. "Besides it shouldn't matter, a life is a life. I would be done it for anyone; even a random stranger."

   Rosalie looked like she wanted to argue, but before she could say anything I was engulfed in a bone-crushing hug.

  "Nikki!" My mom's high pitched voice whispers in my ear. A magical sound, like church bells. "I'm so happy you're okay!"

   Another pair of cold arms surrounds me, and I look up to see the worried, topaz eyes of my father.  "What where you thinking?" He murmers into my hair.

  "I was thinking I couldn't let her die," I repeat again, getting slightly agitated.

  My dad must've felt my shift in emotions, because suddenly I was calm again. I glared at my dad, I don't like him controlling my emotions. But now I can't feel angry at my dad, even though I want to be. But the more I want to be mad at my dad, the calmer he makes me feel.

  "Ugghh!" I throw up my hands in frustration. "Just let me be upset, will you?"

  He chuckles. "Not a chance, baby."

  "I'm not a kid anymore!" I groan. "Just let me deal with my emotions."

  "Yea you're not a kid anymore," Hey says with a sad smile.

  I turn and walk towards the car. "But you'll always be my baby girl." My dad whispers so quietly that even with my vampire hearing, I barely puck it up.
It's 10:00 at night, I'm in bed. Everyone else is in there rooms. Everyone except Edward. He's at Bella's house, like a stalker. He says he likes to watch her sleep, which is a little weird if you ask me.

Don't get me wrong. I love Edward, but i dont love his obsession with Bella. My reasons, though, are co pmetely different from Rose's. Rose doesn't like his obsession with Bella because she's a human, and her being involved with us could get us all killed. My reason is Bella's my friend, and I don't want her to get hurt because of us.

My world wild enough without adding a human girl, who just happens to be my brothers blood singer, to the mix.


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