Chapter 5

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   I honestly don't want to go to school today. It's just one of those days where you wake up, and don't want to do anything.

  Outside it's dull and grey, with a small sprinkle. I sigh, and get out of bed. I'm surprised no one had to wake me up this morning.

  It's been about a week since Edward left, and everyday I miss him more. I've become better friends with Bella Swan, and we hang out a lot. She even asked me to go to La Push with her and her friends, which I still need to ask my parents about.

  I put on a pair of light blue skinny jeans, and a soild purple t-shirt, which I put tuck into my pants. Then I pull my hair up into a french braid. I grab my black leather jacket and head downstairs.

  I stop at the top of the steps when I hear a conversation going on downstairs. A conversation that i can barely hear, even with my enhanced hearing. I know this conversation isn't meant for me, but I listen anyway.

  "We're so happy you're home," Esme says, and I can practically hear the smile in her voice.

  "It's good to be home," Another voice says. But this is a voice that I haven't heard in a while. "How did Nikki take my leaving?"

  "Not good," My dad's voice sadly says. "I could feel she was upset, but without you we really didn't know what she was thinking. She wouldn't tell us either."

  "I wish I could've stayed and said goodbye," Edward sighs. "But i needed to get away. To think."

  "You hurt her," My aunt's voice says angrily. "She thought it was her thought you left. You could see it in her eyes."

  The silence in the room was horrible. Everyone had something to say, yet no one was saying anything.

  I figured this would be the best time to go downstairs. So I put on an innocent look, and bounce downstairs.

  "Morning," I say, going to the kitchen.

  "Morning," They all reply hesitantly.

   Acting like I don't even see Edward, I get out some yogurt, granola, and fruit, to make a parfait. After I make my parfait, I notice it's uncharacteristically quiet. I turn around and look at Uncle Edward, who's staring at me with a pained look in his eyes.

  Everyone is tense, waiting for my reaction. My dad especially, looking at me, reading my emotions in case he needs to restrain me.

  I smile, surprising everyone, and run up to Uncle Edward. When I get to him I jump and give him a huge hug.

  Uncle Edward catches me before I fall off his over 6 foot tall frame. I can tell had surprised, but he still gigs me back.

  "You're not mad?" He asks, confused.

   "Furious," I mutter into his shoulder. Causing my family to laugh. "But I'm happy you're home." I smile.

  The moment I pull away, Maria pulls up, honking her horn as loud as she can.

  "Crap!" I exclaim. I was so busy eavesdropping, I forgot what time it was.

  "You know what? It's fine, I'll just eat in her car." I go to grab my breakfast.  Slinging my backpack and volleyball bag over my shoulder, I give each of my family members a kiss on the cheek, and run out to Maria's car.

  "Running late?" She raises an eyebrow as I sit in the passenger seat.

  "What do you think?" I ask sarcastically.

   "I think that you need coffee,"She states, handing me a drink.

   "And I think you're right," I take the cup, after shooting the last spoonful of parfait in my mouth.
  "Hey, Bella!" I smile cheerfully as I walk up to her after school. It was a little slick outside and I saw her stumbling while she was going to her truck.

  "Hi Nic," She says as she slings her bag into the back.

  I can feel my family watching me as I interact with Bella. They don't really approve of my friendship with her, especially Edward. But when have I ever cared what they think?

  *Bing* My phone goes off. Looking, I see a text from Rosalie.

  Rosalie- Hurry up, or I'm going to leave you!

  I sigh. She doesn't like Bella. Or humans, or people in general.

  Me-one second. I'm being polite. You should try it sometime.

  I see Rosalie look down at her phone, and see Emmett start laughing.

  Turning back to Bella, I see her staring at my family. Well... staring at Edward, who is staring at her equally as much.

   "So," I give Bella a sly smile. "Edward, huh?"

   She slaps me arm, and I laugh. "Shut up!" She then gets a sly look in her eye. "So, you and Mac, huh?" She giggles.

   I roll my eyes, knowing that my Dad will get me for that one.

  *bing* *bing* *bing* my phone goes off, three times in a row. I turn off my phone, not bothering to look at them. I already know it's my family telling me to hurry up.

  "You can leave," Bella says, looking at my phone.

   "Nah, it's fine. My sibling are just impatient," I shrug her off.

  The sound of screeching tires are the only sound I hear. I whip around and see Tyler's van skidding on the ice... right towards us. Bella sees the car too, but she isn't moving. She's just staring at the van. I have to do something. I have to get her to move.

  "Bella go!" I shout, trying to shove her out of the way. Okay, if I can't get her to go sideways, I'll get hereto go down.

   Using all the strength I can muster, I pull Bella down with me as the van gets closer... and closer.

  Right before the van is about to hot us, it stops. I look up and see Edward, with a shocked look on his face. He obviously didn't think he was going to do that.

  Bella looks at Edward in shock. Then she looks at the van, which now has a hand sized dent in the side.

  People are now all over us. All shouting different things:


   "Are you okay?"

   "I've got 911 on the phone!"

    I see my family get into their vehicles, they'll be at the hospital soon to check on me.

   "Nic," Two warm hands are on my shoulders. "You're bleeding."

   Looking over I see Mac, his 5"10 frame towering over me. His green eyes look at me in concern. He's holding a spot on my arm where I see a cut, not a very deep one, but still gushing blood.

  "I'm fine," I say, brushing him off. Remember, I don't like being babied.

  "No you're not," He says. "Let someone take care of you, Nic."

   I nod, and by then the ambulance is here. That first responders are already putting Bella and the back and motioning for me to follow. I step away from Mac, and step in the back of the ambulance.


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