Chapter 19

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Nicole's P.O.V.
"I can't believe he asked you out!" Maria squeals. Causing everyone in the store to stare at us.

"Go tell the world why don't you," I mutter sarcastically. Causing Addi and Naomi to giggle.

"I can't help it!" Maria exclaims. "My baby is all grown up!"

"It's not even a date!" I say, exasperated. "He's just taking me out to a movie!"

"A movie, at night, just the two of you. And then dinner, in a nice restraunt, without your family or us. Sure its just a date," Naomi adds, looking at a pair of jeans.

"And that's why we are here!" Maria smiles. "To get you the perfect outfit!"

"But I was just going to wear jeans and a t-shirt," I sigh.

"Would Alice honestly let you out of the house just wearing 'jeans and a t-shirt'?" Addi does have a good point.

"Most likely not," I sigh.

"Alright then, we have 4 hours to find you the perfect outfit for tomorrow!" Addi says, dragging me to American Eagle.
Time skip to next day.
I look at myself in my full length mirror, feeling butterflies in my stomach. 30 minutes till Mac is supposed to be here. 30 minutes to get my nerves under control.

I wipe my sweaty palm on the bottom of the romper I am wearing. I wouldn't let Maria, Addi, and Naomi talk me i to wearing something fancy, because we are just going to the movies. We finally settled on a salmon colored romper with a jean vest to put over it. Paired with my white sandles and some gold feather earrings and my brown crossbody purse. I pulled back two sections in the front of my hair, pulling them together with a flower clip in the back of my head.

After applying some light makeup, I grab my phone from off my desk and check the time. 12 minutes. I rush downstairs to find all the guys in my family waiting for me at the bottom of the steps, with their arms crossed. Looking behind them, I see their mates sitting on the couch with annoyed expressions.

"Alright, Mac will be here in 12 minutes to pick me up," I tell them. "You are not allowed to growl at him, ask him any embarrassing questions, glare at him, or flex your muscles at him to seem more intimidating. And no, you can't follow me to my fate. If you do, I will personally kill you all. Am I understood?" I raise an eyebrow at all of them.

They reluctantly nod, making me smile and skip over to sit in between Aunt Rose and Mom.

"You look pretty,"  Aunt Rose comments.

I smile at her, knowing she's just trying to ease the awkward tension in the room. 

A few minutes later, a knock on the door makes me jump up from my spot on the couch. Sending one last glare to Carslise, Dad, Edward, and Emmett, I open the door.

"Hey," Mac greets me. He's wearing a pair of dark blue jeans and a grey solid t-shirt. His blonde hair is ruffled, and honestly looks really good on him.

"Hi," I say, moving aside to let him in.

We walk into the living room where I find everyone standing up.

"Mac, this is my family," I introduce him. Mom, Aunt Rose, and Esme give him a smile, while Dad, Emmett, Carslise, and Edward size him up.

"Nice to meet you!" My Mom says, coming up to shake his hand.

"Likewise," Mac says, shaking her hand.

"Are you ready?" I ask, trying to avoid any awkward conversations with my family.

Mac nods, and we bid goodbye to everyone before climbing into his car.

"That wasent as bad as you said it's be," Mac smiles, starting the engine.

"That's because I threatened to kill them all if they did anything stupid." I laugh.
We walk out of the movie theatre hand in hand. The movie was great, and honestly I don't know why I was so nervous. On the way up, we didn't have any awkward moments. We talked about random things, and sang off key to the radio.

"Are you hungry?" Mac asks. I nod and we walk to the Sushi restraunt that is across the road from the movie theatre.

After we are done eating, the sun is just starting to go down. Mac takes my hand and pulls me into his car. We drive for a few minutes, with me not knowing at all what's going on before we pull up to a park trail.

"What are we doing here?" I ask, unbundling my seatbelt.

"This is my last surprise," He says, leading me onto a trail. The shoes I'm wearing weren't meant for hiking, but it wasent a long trail.

When we almost at the end of the trail, Mac turns me around to face him. "Close your eyes." He commands.

"Why?" I question, but i do it anyways.

"Because it's a surprise." He says in a 'duh' tone.

With my eyes closed he leads me to the end of the trail.

"Open your eyes," Mac says.

Doing as he asks, I open my eyes and gasp. We are standing in front of the ocean, right before the grass ends and the sand starts. The sunset is making the sand look orange.

Even better, he leads me to wear someone has built a swing, looking out to the ocean

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Even better, he leads me to wear someone has built a swing, looking out to the ocean. Mac takes my hand and motions for me to sit on it. I put down my purse, and slid off my sandles before sitting on the wooden swing.

I feel two hands on my back, beginning to push me. I swing my legs back and forth as I go higher and higher, the sea breeze making my hair fly behind me.

I honestly don't know this night could get any better. Or how this year could get any better. James is dead, Edward and Bella are happy, I have a new friend or maybe even boyfriend, great nosey friends, and volleyball season is coming up, and I'll finally be a sophmore. Life is so great right now.

What could possibly go wrong?

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