Chapter 8

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"Here it is," Bella says, looking at the bookstore we've just arrived at. "Thunderbird and Whales."

Bella and I had left our friends a few minutes ago, after her constant whining about being bored. I didn't want her to go alone, and I figured if I'd bought a dress Mom and Aunt Rose would kill me.

"Why are we here anyways?" I ask Bella as we climb the steps to the store.

"I, um," Bella stutters. "I'm looking for something new to read."

"And you had to come all the way to Port Angles to get it?" I question, raising my eyebrow.

"Yea," She says.

After Bella buys her book, we look at the clock and realize that we are late for dinner.

"Crap," I mutter, hurrying out of the store.

"Call your friends and tell them why we'll be a little late," Bella says.

"Can't," I say. "Phone's dead. Why don't you do it?"

"I left my phone in Jessica's car," She moans, and I sigh.

"It's fine," I give a small smile. "We'll just take a shortcut."

I lead Bella down an alleyway, hoping that we'll get to the restraunt sooner.

"Nikki," Bella whispers into my ear. She sounds nervous. "There are two guys behind us.

I look over my shoulder to see some of the frat boys that we saw at the dress shop following us. One holding a six pack of beer. I quicken my pace, grabbing onto Bella's arm to pull her along with me.

As we get into a bigger clearing in the alleyway, I see the other four frat boys come out of a corner.

"Look what we have here," One of them slurs. "The pretty ladies from the dress store!"

One of them makes a grab for my arm, and I slap his hand away.

"Dibs," The same man that tried to grab my arm calls. "I like 'em feisty."

I let out a low snarl, low enough that no human can here. As one of them makes a grab for Bella, She shoves him away and begins to back up.

"Don't touch me!" She says. As another one goes for her. "Don't touch me!" She shouts a little louder, this time knowing the guy in the balls.

As two of them make a go for me, a silver Volvo screeches down the alley. I quickly knee the frat boy on my left in the balls.

"Why you little-" He starts, making a go for me.

I deflect his punch quickly, and elbow him in the shoulder. Then I deliver a knee to the stomachs, making him gasp for breath. To finish it, I uppercut my fist into his chin, knocking him out.

"Nikki," Bella breathes. "Where did you learn to fight like that?"

"Self-defense classes," I lie. In truth, my dad taught me. He was a major in the Civil war. He wanted me to be able to defend myself. But of course I would never tell Bella that.

"Get in the car," Edward commands, getting out of his Volvo.

Bella and I quickly hurry into the car, while Edward gives the frat boys a death glare, before returning to the driver seat.

He accelerates on the gas, making the frat boys jump back to avoid getting hit. Then he reverses and speeds back out onto the road.

Good God it's gonna be a long night.
"You could've died!" My Dad shouts at me. My dad usually never shouts, but when he does... it's dangerous. His southern accent from over 100 years ago comes out.

"But I didn't! I had everything under control!" I say calmly from the couch, watching my dad pace back and fourth. My mom is standing next to him, with my grandparents sitting next to me on the couch, and Aunt Rose and Uncle Em to the side.

"Only because Edward showed up!" He yells back. "You aren't invincible like us! You could've gotten hurt!"

"Again I must say that I didn't get hurt. I am perfectly fine!" I say as calm as I can be.

"Why can't you just be responsible for once!"He shouts, throwing his hands up.

I don't even bother to hid the hurt on my face, or the tears that start to well up in my eyes after my dad says that.

Upon seeing the tears in my eyes, my dad's face immedently softens. "Nik I'm so-"

"Don't bother," I whisper, standing up. I can't be in this house anymore. I grab my coat and run out the back door.

I can hear everyone calling my name, but I don't stop. I just run away as fast as I can. I didn't even realize I was crying till my breaths were coming in gasps. I don't want my family to see me like this so I go the only place they can't go, across the treaty line.

I stop running when my lungs can't take it anymore. I sit against a tree and cry my eyes out.

"Nic?" A voice says, startling me.

I look up to see Mac's tall frame coming towards me. When he gets close enough I can see his blue eyes looking at me with concern.

"Are you okay?" He says, crouching down next to me.

Not being able to say anything, I just shake my head. I feel warm arms wrap around me and pull my shaking form closer. I just sit in Mac's embrace and cry till I have no more tears left.

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