Chapter 9

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After a night of crying into Mac's arms, I'm finally out of tears. I'm happy it's a Saterday and I don't have to be back at school today. The ringtone 'Photograph' By Ed Sheeran blared from my phone, signaling that I'm being called. Looking at my phone I see it's my dad again. I've gotten calls non-stop all night from various members of my family.

Right now I'm sitting in Mac's kitchen, drinking a cup of Earl Grey tea that his mom made for me. I know I'll have to cross the treaty line eventually, but im just not ready yet.

Mac sighs as my phone rings again. This time it's 'Wings' by Little Mix. I look over to see that it's Aunt Rose this time.

"You really should answer your phone." He says, looking at me.

"Maybe I just like my ringtone," I mumble. Mac already knows what happened. Through my tears I somehow managed to give him the short version of the blowup that i had with my dad the night before. And he understands why I don't want to go back.

"You and I both know thats not true, Nic,"

We sit in silence for a few minutes. Before he comes over and puts his hand on my shoulder. Mac has always been good at reading me, and he knows I miss my family, and feel guilty for running away.

"Come on," He says, pulling me put of my chair. "I'll walk you to the treaty line."

Mac knows about the whole vampire-werewolf thing. Partly because his older cousin Paul has shifted. He knows I'm part vampire, and yet he isn't disgusted by me.

We walk to the treaty line in a comfortable silence. Our feet moving in unison.

"What if they're still mad at me,"I whisper.

"I'm sure by now they're more worried than mad,"Mac assures me. "I may not fully understand your family, but i know they care for you."

I can see the treaty line from where we are, and standing right behind it is my family. Their faces immedently look relieved when they see me.

Before I cross, Mac grabs my arm. "I'm still here if you need to talk."

"You sound like a mom," I give him a soft smile.

Mac give a small chuckle at my statement. "I'm serious, though."

I nod, and turn back towards the treaty line. I wrap my arms around my stomachs, trying to keep in the heat this jacket provides.

I'm immedently crushed in a hug the moment I cross the line. "I'm so sorry," My dad's voice murmers into my ear.

I merely nod and bury my head into his shoulder. I try to project loving and forgiving emotions towards my Father, so he knows he's forgiven.

"No I'm the one who should be sorry," I state, stepping out of his embrace. "I ran away, and probably re-started all of your hearts. I didn't mean to scare you guys, or make you worry about me."

My mom is the next person to give me a bone-crushing hug. "We forgive you, but don't you ever think of doing something like that again! I was worried sick! And since you were near werewolves I couldn't see your future! I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to you!"

I smile at my mom's over-protectiveness.

"But crossing the treaty line so we couldn't follow you... nice touch," Uncle Em chuckles.

Aunt Rose gives him a look and smacks him on the back of the head. "Ow" He mutters.
When we get home, I step into the shower. I use my mint scented shampoo and conditioner to wash the dirt out of my my hair. I relax my muscles under the hot water, and enjoy my temporary moments alone.

Once I get out of the shower, I pull on my turquiose skinny jeans and a reckless youth t-shirt. I then slip on some white flats. I blow dry and straighten my hair, letting it fall down to my mid-back.

I walk out of my room, only to be picked up and thrown over someone's shoulder. I know it's Carslise when I get a glimpse of his styled blonde hair.

"Put me down!"I squeal as he rushes vampire speed down the stairs.

Carslise slows down when we get into the living room, and places me in my dad's lap. My dad, who's in the middle of a conversations with Emmett, wraps his arms around my waist protectively.

"Can I get up?"I ask, squirming to get out of his arms.

"Nope," My dad says popping the "p".

"Can someone at least in in a movie then?" I ask.

Emmett jumps up and grabs Die Hard. One of his personal favorites. I've seen it at least 13 times already.

Esme comes into the living room, holding a bowl filled with yogurt and granola.

"You didn't get breakfast," She says as she hands the bowl to me. I tell her thank you, and start to eat as I watch the movie.

Eventually everyone comes into the living room and watches the movie with us. My dad still hasn't let me go.

I mean back into my dad's chest and watch the rest of the movie, knowing he wasn't going to let me go.

A/N: Hey guys! I know some of the songs and movie stuff I put into here doesn't go with the time, but just roll with it. Thank you for reading! Don't forget to vote and comment!

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