Chapter 3

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     My teams loud cheers speed throughout the bus. Basically we just handed West point's volleyball team didn't know what just hit them! Basically we handed them their butts on a silver platter.

     "Great job tonight ladies!" My coach yells over all the chaos. "As a reward for winning. We will be stopping at scoops ice cream and bakery!"

      Our coach and the bus driver flinch a little as our cheers become louder.
  "Hello?" Esme answers the home phone on the first ring.
   "Hi Esme," I say. "Just wanted to tell you that we'll be back at the school in about 30 minutes."

    "Oh, ok honey," Something was wrong, Esme has never sounded like this before.

      "Are you okay?" I ask, concerned.

       "Yea, I'm fine. I'll be at the school with Carslise to pick you up," And with that, Esme hung up.

       Okay, something is wrong. There's no way it's nothing. I hope everyone's okay.
   "See ya, Nic!" Naomi calls.

    "Bye!" I call back. "Good game!"

     "You too!"

      I smile as I see Esme and Carslise standing by their car. "Hi."

     "Hey baby," Carslise says, grabbing my bags and putting it in the trunk.

      "How was the game?" Esme asks as I climb into the backseat.

      "Basically they got their butts handed to them. We dominated," I say, cracking my knuckles.

      "Good job, sweetie," Esme says. She seems really out of it.

      "Okay, what's going on?" I demand.

       Carslise sighs. "We'lltell you when we get home."

        The rest of the car ride is spent in silence. The tension is so thick you could cut it with a knife. I don't get what is so secretive that they can't tell me right now.

        When we pull into the garage, I grab my stuff and rush inside. Only to find that everyone sitting in the living room.

       "What's going on?" I ask, slowly setting my stuff on the ground.

       "Come sit down," My dad says, patting the seat next to him.
    "He... he left?" I ask in disbelief. No way. Not Edward. He wouldn't leave. Would he?

      Everyone nods. Afraid of what my reaction will be.

      This can't be happening. There's no way. He... he just left. He didn't even day goodbye. Doesn't he care?

      "Nikki?" Aunt Rose asks softly.

       When I look up from the floor, I see everyone staring at me. Concern sketched across all of their faces.

       "Are you okay?"Rose asks.

       "Ummm, I don't know." I say, standing up. "I have, um, stuff to do. I'll just be.. I'll just be up in my room. I have.. stuff to do. Homework."

       I move to grab my backpack and my volleyball bag, then quickly start to head upstairs.

       "We'll be down here if you need us," Esme says in her motherly tone.

       "Mhmm," I answer, looking at the stairs.
       Once I get up into my room I put my bags on the floor and belly flop onto my bed.

      It's going to be a long few weeks.
Jaspers P.O.V.
     My heart breaks as I watch my daughter run upstairs. She says she's fine, but I can feel her pain. Pain and betrayal are the two emotions coming from Nikki. I know she's hurt about Edward leaving and not saying goodbye. And I know there isn't anything I can do. She'll be mad at me if I try to change her emotions.

    "Jasper?" My wife asks. "How is she really?"

    I shake my head. "Not good."

    Everyone sighs. We knew somehow this would be Nikki's reaction. However, without Edward it's hard to know what we need to do to help her feel better.

     I love Nikki, and I'll do everything I can to protect her. But, there are just some things you cant protect you kids from.

    I wish I could take away the pain she's feeling. I'd do anything for her. But this is something she'll have to deal with on her own.
Edward's P.O.V.
    I hate having to leave Nikki without saying goodbye. I know she'll be hurt by that, and I would never do anything to hurt her intentionally. But i needed to get away for a while. Bella's scent was just so, intoxicating. I've never had such a desire for blood in year, decades even.

    I hope Nikki will forgive me for leaving. I love Nikki more than my own life. Everyone in my family does. Nikki is like the little girl Rosalie always wanted. And i know Alice and Jasper love her more than anything. Esme and Carslise love the joy she brings to the household, and Esme loves taking care of her. For Emmett and I, she's like a little sister. We'd do anything to protect her.

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