Chapter 17

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Nicole's P.O.V.
The first thing I can hear is my mom's voice, cutting through the surround darkness.

"She'll be awake in 3 minutes,"My mom's voice declairs happily. "She can hear us now."

"Nikki?" Carslises voice this time. "You're fine you're at home now. You gave us all quite a scare, but thanks to your vampire healing, all of your injuries are healed!"

I take a deep breath, and try to open my eyes. It feels like someone placed two cinder blocks on them, though. I inwardly groan. I want to wake up! I want to know how everyone is!

"Where fine, Nic," Edwards voice comes from my side.

I slowly open my eyes to see myself surrounded by family. They all have the same relieved expressions as I look at them.

"Okay Nikki, I'm just going to need you to do a few things for me so I can make sure you're okay."

I give him a confused look, unable to speak yet.

"Carslise slow down, your scaring her!" Esme says.

Looking around, I recognize the room as Carslise's office. I'm lying on a hospital bed, attached to a heart moniter. The constant beeping noises, telling everyone I'm okay.

I slowly start to sit up, hoping nothing will hurt to much. I wince as a throbbing pain goes through my stomachs. The gesture isn't of course missed by my family, as they all shoot worried looks at Carslise.

"How do you feel?" Carslise asks.

I try to speak, but my throat is so dry and sore that nothing comes out. I put my hand up to my throat, in a gesture that i need water.

A few seconds later, a water glass is placed beside me. I gulp it down greedily. When I finish, I put it back down and turn to answer Carslise.

"A bit sore, but other than that fine," My voice sounds rough and scratchy.

"That's to be expected," Carslise states.  "Even with you advanced vampire healing, your injuries were still pretty great."

"How long have I been Out?" I ask.

"Five days," My dad answers. "We had to tell everyone you were out with the flu."

"What happened to James?" My question makes everyone tense up.

"He's dead," My dad answers, his voice low.

"But we still have yet to find the woman, Victoria," Aunt Rose informs me from the side of the room. "But it's only a matter of time."

I nod, I honestly don't care about Victoria. I honestly can't believe I'm still alive. I thought that James had me. I don't know why he let go of me when i went limp, but if I hadn't. He would've strangled me to death.

"Nic?" My mom's voice brings me out of my thoughts. "Did you hear Carslise?"

I shake my head, trying to get rid of the dizziness in my head. "No."

"Can you stand up?"I want to make sure you're okay," Carslise repeats himself.

I slowly stand up, not wanting to hurt myself. I feel a little dizzy, but other than that fine. Again, my ribs are sore. I walk in a few circles to stretch out my sore legs. I rotate my arms and shoulder blades, and then move my wrists in circles. Once Carslise is satisfied with my physical state, He sends me upstairs to take a shower.

Once I reach the comfort of my room, I flop onto my bed. I wrap my comforter around my body and try to sleep. I'm tired, even though I just spent the last five days in the realm of unconsciousness.

Once I realize sleep will never come, I get out of my bed and trudge to the bathroom. I turn on the shower and let the mirrors steam up until I get in.

I let the water run down my back till it goes from hot water to cold droplets. After that i step out and grab some pajamas. I throw on some baby blue cotton shorts, and a grey long sleeved shirt. I then grab my fuzzy socks from beside my bed. I steal the comforter from off my bed, and slowly start to walk downstairs.

As i make it to the stairs, two cold arms pick me up. Turning my head, I see my dad, looking at me with warm topaz eyes. He must've hunted while I was in my room. He wraps the blanket around me, and carries me like a baby to the living room. He sits down on the couch and put me in his lap, My head resting in the crook of his shoulder.

For a few quiet moments, we watch whatever Emmett has on T.V. Some show called E.R. They must be doing a re-run of the episodes, because when I look, this is what is on all day.

Esme enters the room a few minutes later and hands me a cup of tea.

"Here you go, Nic," Esme smiles warmly. She smooths my hair back, and hoes to sit next to Carslise. The only person now not in the living room is Edward. Who is probably with Bella.

My dad gives me a warm flaming sensation and start messing with my hair. In just a matter of moments, I fall back asleep.

A/N: Hey guys! I'm back! Thank you for waiting for this chapter! I know not much went on in it, but i needed a little space filler. This book is almost done, but i will be making it a series. I will tell you more about it around the time I post the last chapter.

Thanks for reading. Don't forget to comment and vote!

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