Chapter 12

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I sit on the edge of the kitchen counter, with my legs dangling back and forth. My family (with the exception of mom and dad) are making dinner for me and Bella.

So in the woods Bella confronted Edward about being a vampire. Funny thing was, She wasent even frightened. She actually kinda fascinated. It scared me a little.

The sound of a car pulling up makes all of our heads snap towards the door.

"Get a whiff of that," Aunt Rose mumbles. Even though I don't smell anything.

"Here comes the human!" Esme whispers excitedly as Edward and Bella walk through the front door.

"Hi Bella!" I exclaim running over to hug her.

"Hey Nic," She says, awkwardly hugging me back.

"Bella, these are my adopted parents, Carslise and Esme," Edward informs her.

"Bella, welcome," Carslise says with a smile. "You be given us an excuse to use the kitchen for the first time."

"I hope you're hungry," Esme says.

"Oh, yea, defenetly," Bella says with a smile.

"She already ate," Edwards says.

The sound of glass breaking makes me turn to where Rosalie is standing. The glass bowl that was holding the salad is now laying in pieces on the floor.

"Rose," Carslsie sighs.

"So are we just going to pretend this isn't dangerous for all of us?" Aunt Rose exclaims. "If she tells anyone, this could end badly!"

"Badly as in.... I become the meal?" Bella asks softly.

That causes some of my family to laugh. Then the uncomfortable silence returns.

"Bella!" Mom says, jumping onto the balcony and into the kitchen.

She rushes over to Bella and gives her a hug, making Edward tense slightly.

"Oh you do smell good," Mom says pulling away.

"Alice," Edward whispers.

"It's fine Edward," Alice tells him. "Bella and I are going to be great friends!"

Mom turns to look at dad, who's staring at Bella with an in intense look in his eyes. I know he's struggling with his control.

"It's okay, Jazz. You won't hurt her," My mom says going over to him.

"Hello," My dad says, careful not to take a breath. I go over and stand next to his side. He gives me a small smile, and slings an arm over my shoulder.

When Edward and Bella go up to his room, I go to help Aunt Rose clean up the bowl she dropped.
"Guess what?! Guess what?! Guess what?!" My mom squeals as she excitedly races down the stairs.

I sit up from my spot on the coach and raise an eyebrow at her.

"There's going to be a thunderstorm!" My mom says excitedly.

I smile at her enthusiasm. Because there's going to be a thunderstorm, we can play a game of baseball!
Unknown P.O.V.
That girl. That stupid girl. She is the reason Nathan is dead.

I can smell her scent, it fills the air with a delightful sweet scent. The scent of a vampire, but with the mouth watering scent of blood. I've never smelt anything like it. All the scent makes me want to do is drain the girl dry.

It'll be fun hunting her. I do enjoy a good game. All in good time, though. All in good time.

"James," My mate, Victoria, comes up from behind me and wraps her arms around my waist. "We will find her. She must pay for what she did to Nathan."

I turn around and pull her closer to me. "I know, babe. And we will catch her. And I will kill her. Even if it is the last thing I do in my immortal life."

A/N: Thank you guys for reading! Don't forget to comment and Vote! Tell me what I can do to make this story better. I'm always looking for new ideas!

Go check out my other story. Daughter of the Wind and Sea. It's a Percy Jackson fanfic. Don't be afraid to correct me on my mistakes!

I'm also working on a Hunger Games fanfic. So my updates for this story might not be as often as they are now.

Thank You!

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