Chapter 16

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"That's my favorite part," James smiles, looking at the video. "You were a stubborn child, weren't you, Bella?"

"Leave her alone!" I say, subtly putting my body behind me.

"And you," James muses. "Very loved by your family. Spoiled. You have everything you've ever wanted. Your family will be devastated after your death."

I notice Bella start to pull out her pepper spray. I hope she knows that won't do anything. As I see her start to pull it up, I don't have time to warn her before she sprays James directly in the face.

Bella pulls me forward and we start running towards the door. Before we get there, James jumps in front of us and pushes us back.

"Very visually dynamic, " He says, turning on a camera. "I chose my stage well."

He then picks Bella and throws her into a wall. The sound of her head hitting the wall brings the most unpleasant smell. Blood. Her blood.

James then takes me by the jacket and throws me on top of her. I quickly stand up, desperately searching my head for anything that would help me outsmart him. My dad spent hours teaching me different methods to defend myself.

James lunges at me vampire speed, but i quickly sidestep. He wasent expecting me to be as fast as him so he goes flying. I run over to help Bella, who's struggling to get up, but before I can reach her I'm soaring through the air and into a glass mirror. I can feel the glass sharps cut my skin.

The world fades a little before I shake my head to get rid of the dark spots. I hear Bella let out a gut wrenching scream. I look up to see her clutching her leg, while James is yelling at her to say how much it hurts. Before I can get up to her aid, Edward arrives and sends him flying next to me.

James looks at me, an evil grin spreading on his face. He grabs me and slams me onto the ground. I feel my shoulder pop out of place, and a searing pain go through my ribs. I let out a loud scream, before pushing James off of me. He disappears. A few moments later I see Bella smash into the mirror next to me.

I stand up, ignoring the pain in my ribs, and move towards her. Only to have my legs swept out from under me by James. He stares at me with dark, black eyes. Before he can cause any other damage, Edward pulls him off of me. Before Edward can do any real damage, James shoves him off and moves over to Bella.

Again, I try standing. I see James bite into Bella's wrist, putting his venom I  her body. Bella start screaming bloody murder as Edward tackles him into a mirror. I try to moving over to Bella, but the pain in my ribs makes me double over and groan. I can hear my family approaching now, they aren't that far away.

James must hear them too, because he quickly gets out of Edwards hold and runs towards me. My ribs prevent me from moving fast so in a matter of seconds he has me by the throat and is dangling me by the neck.

Mom, Dad, Esme, Carslise, and Emmett appear in front of James. Mom goes to check on Bella, while everyone else stays to help me. They all start to slowly advance on me. When they do, James tightens his grip on my neck, causing me to gasp.

"Come any closer and I'll snap her neck," James threatens making my family hiss.

James is cutting off my oxygen supply. I'm finding harder and harder to breath. I start gasping and clawing at his hands, desperate to get air. No matter where I hit him, He isn't letting go.

I need an idea quick. I can hear Carslise trying to negotiate with James trying to get him to release me. I can see the edges of my visions start to go black.
Jasper's P.O.V.
I swear to God if he wasent holding my daughter in his hands he would've been ripped to a thousand peices already.

I can see Nikki is struggling. She needs oxygen, and she needs it now. Her face is growing pale, and her eyes are starting to close.

Before any of us can blink, Nikki goes limp. Startled, James drops her. Then moment she touches the ground, she jumps up and stumbles vampire speed over to us. I catch her in my arms, causing he to gasp. Looking over at her I notice blood, and her shoulder in the wrong place.

"Carslise," I breath. I notice Edward sucking on Bella's arm, probably pulling out the venom.

Carslise is over here in a flash, and before I know it, I have to leave to help Emmett kill James.
Nicole's P.O.V.
It hurts, everywhere hurts. I can't catch my breath, but breathing hurts from my ribs. My dad is holding me, trying to comfort me, but all I want to do is sleep.

When my dad leaves, Carslise quickly takes his place.

"Nikki, Honey," He says. "What hurts?"

I can't answer him. I can't breathe! Edward I think. I need Edward to help me.

Edward quickly appears at my side, ready to translate.

Bella? I need to know if she's okay.

Edward nods, signaling she's fine.

"Okay Nikki, I'm going to ask you again. What hurts?" Carslise asks.

My shoulder, My ribs, My throat, the cuts, EVERYWHERE! I can't breathe!

Edward look worried as he relays the massage to Carslise.

My mother appears beside me and takes my warm hand in her cold one.

"It's gonna be okay, honey," My mom whispers, striking my hair.

My eyes start to flutter, and the edges of my visions start to go dark. I vaguely remember someone telling me to keep my eyes open, but i can't fight it anymore. Finally I let sleep take my body to unconscious.

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