Chapter 15

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Nicoles P.O.V.
After waking up, I take a shower to relax. I haven't had a shower for two days, so my hair is greasy. I absolutely despise having greasy hair. That's one of the things me and my mom have in common.

After washing my hair and body, I step out and dry myself off. I wrap myself in a towel, and then blow dry my hair before I out on my clothes. I put on some olive green short and tuck in a black tank top. Then I put on a white jacket. It's not called a jacket, but can never remember what it's called- that's what my mom is for. It's a really light jacket, almost see through, with a feather design on it.

I walk out of the bathroom, and see my parents sitting on the couch, with Bella pacing nervously in front of them.

I grab my book and sit next to my dad on the couch.

"How can you be reading right now?" Bella demands.

"It helps me relax," I say, looking up from If I Stay. "You should find something to help you relax. You look like you're going to punch a hole through the wall."

Bella groans and continues her pacing. I get a few more chapters into the books before my mom gasps and sits up straighter. She stretches her hand, motioning to me that she needs a pencil.

I run out of the room and return lightning fast with a pencil and paper. She takes the pen from me and begins to draw.

"The tracker," She breaths. "He's changed course."

She starts drawing a room with mirrors and an arched roof.

"So this new course is going to lead James to a... A dance studio?" Bella questions.

My mom's hand goes still as she looks at Bella. "You've been here?"

"Yea, the dance school I went to had an arch just like that," Bella says.

"Was your studio here in Pheonix?" I ask, putting my book down.

"Yea," Bella says. At that moment her phone rings. "Edward?" She questions, walking away from us.

"Nikki go pack," My mom orders. "We're leaving soon to go back to Forks."

"I thought we left to get away from Forks," I say, standing up.

"We don't know where he is, it'll be safer to protect you if we're all together." My dad says.

I nod and go to pack my bag. I grab a change of clothes. A pair of jeans, a black t-shirt, a olive green parka, and a pair of black boots.

We I finished, I brought my stuff out into the living room, only to find that my parents had gone downstairs to check us out.

"Nikki! Nikki!" Bella cries coming out of the bedroom.

"What?" I ask, concerned.

"James has my mom!" Bella says frantically. "He says if both of us don't come alone to my old dance studio, he'll kill her!"

"But mom said to stay put," I say, unsure of going.

"Please Nikki!" Bella pleads. "Shes my mom!"

I'm still hesitant. My parents have only told us to stay because it was safest for us. Renee isn't even supposed to be in this state! But i would want Bella to do the same for me if roles were reversed.

"Okay," I agree.
After sneaking past my parents and hailing a cab, Bella and I are on our way to Bella s old dance studio. My stomach is a mess of nerves. Butterflies are flying everywhere in my stomach. I wish my dad was here, He could calm me down.

My dad. He's too ng to be so upset with me if I live through this. I hope I don't die. My family...

When we pull up to the dance studio, I tell Bella to go ahead. I pull out my phone, and put in my dad's number.

He answers on the second ring.

"Dad," I breathe, crossing the road.

"Where are you?" He demands. Oh god, He sounds mad.

"I'm with Bella, James has her mom." I say.

"You'd better get back to the hotel this instant," My dad growls.

"Dad-," I start. Then I see Bella enter the building. Without thinking, I hang up the phone, and run after her.

When I get to the door I hear a voice. But it's not a real voice, it's a tape.

My breath halts as I realize something... this is a trap. Bella's mom isn't really here. James just used as bait.

"Bella!" I shout running in. "Stop! Its a trap!"

Bella doesn't listens to me and keeps running till she gets to a closet. When she opens it, she sees the vidoe. I run up beside her and grab her hand.

"Bella let's go," I whisper.

She nods and we both turn around, only to come face to face to the person I hoped I'd never see again.


A/N: Oh snap! Thing are about to get real! Please remember to comment and vote! Thanks for reading!

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