Chapter 11

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Nicole's P.O.V.
I wake up in a cold sweat, my nightmare still fresh in my mind. I look over at the clock, 5:20. I sigh, I still have two hours of sleep left. But i know that sleep won't come to me.

I've been having awful nightmare for the past four days. Screaming, yelling, and crying in my sleep. This is the first time I had gotten up by myself. The first time that someone hasent had to shake me out of my nightmare.

I run faster and faster as the nomad chases me. He's shouting at me, telling me how delicious I smell, or how he'll enjoy the taste of my blood.

I can't seem to run fast enough. No matter how big a gap I put in between us, He just keeps getting closer and closer. My legs feel like jello, I can't move them fast enough.

My legs fall out from under me, as the nomad brings me to the ground. His fangs come out as he brings his fangs right to my neck....

"Nikki!" A voice crys.

I feel cold hands shaking my shoulders. Trying to bring out of my dark nightmare. My eyes shoot open to see my dad's worried gold eyes in front of my face.

I start sobbing as my dad pulls me closer, using his power to calm me down.

"It's just a dream, it's just a dream," He repeats.

"But it wasent a dream," I whisper into his shoulder. "It was real."


I sigh throwing my comforter to the side. I slid out of bed and walk into my bathroom. I don't turn on the lights, so it's dark as I walk over to the shower. I strip out of the shorts and oversized t-shirt I wore to bed and step into the cold water.

The water makes me alert almost immedently. I shiver as the icy drops race down my back. I wash my hair with my mint shampoo and conditioner. I know it's a little early to be up, but I don't think that I've gotten a full night of sleep since the nomad attack.

Once I'm done with my shower, I wrap a towel around my cold body and go into my closet. I can see the sun just starting to rise as I throw on some light colored skinny jeans, and a Pink hoodie over my sports bra. I then pull on some soft fuzzy socks, and pink fuzzy boots.

It's Friday, which means one more day till the weekend. Officially two more weeks till prom. Maria, Addi, and Naomi have all been asked by a boy to go to prom. I haven't, though. One because my dad and uncles would murder the guy, and two no one who I like has asked me.

I sit back on my bed and turn on my T.V. I turn on Once Upon A Time, One of my favorite shows to binge watch on Netflix. Along with Pretty Little Liars. One time I didn't leave my bedroom for an entire weekend, while watching my shows.

I watch 1 and a half episodes before a knock on my door makes me pause my show. I look up to see Aunt Rose peek her head in my room.

"Hey," She says softly.

"Hey," I reply.

"Can I come in?" She asks.

"Of course," I say, scooting over on my bed. Aunt Rose sits next to me and pulls me into his arms. She leans her head on top of my head.

"Why aren't you asleep?" She whispers into my hair.

"Couldn't sleep," I say.

Aunt Rose sighs, but doesn't say anything else. I unpause the show and we watch in silence for a while. After the episode was over Aunt Rose shifts so she's turning to face me.

"You know we're always here if you need to talk," She tells me.

"Yeah," I smile. "I know."

"Okay," She says, getting up. "Esme made you breakfast."

I get up after her and go downstairs, where I find a homemade breakfast burrito sitting on a plate for me. Along with a glass of milk.

"Thanks Esme," I say, even though she nowhere in sight. I know that with her vampire hearing she heard me.

I hear Maria pull up in our driveway, and as usual she honks her horn. I roll my eyes and grab my back pack. I shout good-bye and run out of the house.

"Okay big news!" Maria squeals as I climb into the passengers seat.

"What?" I ask.

"I heard from Vivianne, who heard from Peter, who heard from Claire, who heard from Monica that Mac was going to ask you out!" Maria let's out this total girly scream as we speed down the driveway.

"Cool," I comment, taking a sip of my coffee.

"Cool?" Maria screams. "Cool?! You have a major crush on Mac, and we all know it!"

I sigh. Maria loves playing Cupid. She thinks Mac and I would make the perfect couple. No matter how many times I tell her that we aren't ment for each other.

Although, I do have to admit he is pretty good looking. With his startling green eyes, and golden hair. His.      tan-ish skin. Or the way he makes my heart fall down to the pit of my stomach whenever he looks at me.

Oh god. Maybe I do like him! If my dad ever find out about this he might not live long enough to even be at prom!

After picking up Addi and Naomi, we pull into the school parking lot. I can already see Bella s truck there, and shes leaning up against the door. Tapping her foot impatiently with her arms across her chest.

My families cars pull in soon after us, and when my brother gets out Bella sets her eyes straight on him. When Edwards eyes lock on her, she jerks her head towards the woods in a 'follow me' motion.

Edward sighs and turns towards me. He doesn't have to say anything for me to know that he wants me to come to. I nod, and jog after Bella into the woods.

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