Chapter 13

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"Lets go Alice!" Emmett yells. "By the time you're ready this storm would have passed already!"

"God Emmett," Mom says, appearing at the bottom of the steps. "You're so impatient!"

"Yea I know," Emmett smiles. "But it got you down here faster, let's go!"

My dad laughs, and pulls me into a hug. We walk outside and then run vampire speed to the clear clearing.

I love vampire running. It's so freeing. With the wind in my face, and being able to see nature in a new way. I love all of it.

When we reach the clearing, Emmett already has a baseball in his hand. We split up into teams, but we can't start till Bella and Edward get here.

"Hey squirt!" Emmett shouts. "Catch!" He throws the baseball at me.

I catch it with my right and toss it back to him. We continue tossing at back and forth till we see Emmett jeep pull up. Bella and Edward get out and start walking towards me. Bella gives me a small wave as they get closer.

"Bella! I'm so glad you're here!" Esme says as she goes up and takes Bella from Edwards hold. "We need an umpire."

"She thinks we cheat," Emmett says, walking by.

"I know you cheat," Esme says back, making me chuckle.

We all take our places. My teams up to bat first. Aunt Rose steps up to the plate first. My mom winds up to pitch, and throws the ball. A gust of wind hits me in the face as the bay connects with the ball. It goes flying out of the clearing, with Edward chasing after it.

"That's got to be a home run, right?"Bella asks as Rosalie rounds second base.

Esme shakes her head. "Edwards really fast."

As Rosalie gets to third base, the baseball comes flying out of the woods and into Esmes mitts. She goes to tag Rosalie as she slides into home. They both look at Bella, waiting for her call.

"You're out," She says.

"Yeah!" Emmett shouts from his place in the outfield.

Rosalie stands up, giving Bella a death glare. She hits Bella s shoulder as she comes to stand next to me.

"Come on babe, it's just a game!" Emmett calls again.

After my team gets to bat a few more times, we have to let my mom's team bat. She tosses me the ball so I can pitch. I'm not as fast of pitcher as my mom, but i do throw a mean curveball.

Emmett goes up to bat first, I manage to strike him out with two curveball and a sinker.

"Ha!" I got you!" I cheer.

"Yea, yea," Emmett mumbles, handing the bat off to my mom.

On the first pitch, She sends it out into the woods. As she's rounding first, She slows to a stop and gets a dazed look on her face.

"Alice?" My dad asks. Running up to her.

"There were leaving but they heard us playing," My mom says, breathlessly.

Everyone gets this horrible expressions on their faces. Before I know it, I'm being whisked over to where my family is now standing in a protective stance.

Edward rushes over to Bella. "Lets go," He orders.

"There's no time," Carslise says.

Edward looks at Bella with a pained gaze. "I'm so sorry."

"For what?" Bella demands. "What's going on?"

"Get your hair down." Edward says. Bella gives him a frightened look and pulls out her hair tie.

"Like that'll help," Rosalie snarls. "I can smell her from across the field."

"What's happening?" I ask. I have no idea what's going on, but it seems to be scaring the daylights out of everyone.

My mom and dad give each other a wary look before directing their games back to me.

"Nomads," My dad says.

I think my heart just stopped.
Rosalie's P.O.V.
The look on Nikki's face matches the skip that her heart just took. I don't blame her. Her life was just threatened by some nomads. But these couldn't be the same ones... could they?

"They're almost here," Alice whispers.

Nikki whimpers and starts shaking a little. I move over to where she is standing in between both of her parents.

I put my arms around her and lean into her ears. "It's okay, you'll be fine."

She nods, but i can see in her eyes that she doesn't believe me.

"They're here," Alice whispers.
Nicole's P.O.V.
I can feel my heart stop as I see the nomads that walk through the treeline.  It's them, the same ones that were in the woods with me. The ones that let Nathan almost kill me.

My breath halts. I know everyone can hear it, because they all give me uneasy glances. Once the three come to a stop, I get a better chance to study them.

The one that looks like the leader of the pack has dark brown dreadlocks that fall to his mid back. He has dark colored skin and crimson colored eyes. The only girl in the group has pale skin, and long, red, curly hair. Her eyes like the others, are bright red, meaning that she has just fed. The final male, is the one who scares me the most. He has blonde hair that is pulled back into a ponytail, and another set of crimson eyes. But it's the way he stares at me that scares me the most.

He knows. It's the only reason he could be looking at me like that. I'm not even paying attention to the conversation that's going on with everyone.

"A few of us were just leaving," Carslise finishes, motioning to me, Bella, and Edward.

The three nomads turn around to take their places on the pill when the worst possible thing happens; a gust of wind makes mine and Bella's hair fly forward.

James sniffs the air before turning back to us. "You brought some snacks."

A snarl erupts from Edward's and Mlmy dad's mouth. They both take a defensive stance in front of me and Bella.

Mom pushes me back behind Esme, who is standing in front of me and Bella.

"I see the game is over now," The darker male says. "We will go now."

He and the female both turn around, but the blonde one stays in his crouch. Staring at me. His eyes are turning a darker color, meaning he's thirsty. He wants blood.

"James," The darker one says.

James snaps out of his stance and goes over to the female. He wraps an arm around her and walks away.

Edward starts moving Bella to Emmetts jeep, whispering his apologies.

I look around at my family, who all have these matching expression of terror on their faces.

A/N: Hey guys! So the worst thing has happened! My twin has used all our data for the month and I have to wait till I get Wi-Fi to update.

I will continue to write chapters without Wi-Fi so when I can update, you'll have your chapters soon!

Thank you for reading, remember to comment and vote!

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