Chapter 10

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The next day I wake up and look out the window. It's sunny outside, the perfect day for a walk. It's rarely sunny here in Forks. So I'm gonna take advantage of the sun I get.

I jump out of bed and run into my closet. I pull on some black Nike capris leggings and I put a white and black running jacket on over my sports bra. Slipping on my running shoes, I pull my hair up into a ponytail and run downstairs.

"Morning," I smile, running into the kitchen. I grab a Nutri Grain Oats and Honey protein bar, and my water bottle.

"Where are you going?"My dad asks, confusion written on his face.

"It's sunny outside! Its a gorgeous day for a walk!" I exclaim, bouncing from excitement.

My dad chuckles and my mom has a small smile on her face. "Okay, just be sure to check in with us, darlin'."

I nod and run out the backdoor. Feeling the rays of sunshine on my skin. The heat of the sun in my arms. Nothing is better than this. I run vampire speed into my special place. A creek attached to a small waterfall, surrounded by wildflowers and blackberry bushes. I sit in the little open area next to the water and eat my Nutri Grain bar.

My peace is interrupted by the cracking sound of a branch being stepped on. I whip my head around, expecting to see one of my family members. Instead all I can see are blood red eyes.
Alice's P.O.V.
Nikki had just left a few minutes ago for her walk. We didn't go with her for fear that a human might see us in the sun.

I smiled from my comfortable place in Jaspers arms. We couldn't be prouder of our daughter. Even though she lives in our messed up world.

I see the room start to zone out, another vision.

Nicole sits next to the stream, her eyes scanning the beautiful scenery in front of her. All of a sudden, the sound of a twig snapping makes her head whip around. Four vampires start to surround her, all with blood red eyes.

"You smell absolutely appetizing," One says, this one has short brown hair and pale skin.

"We'll leave you to it Nathan," A voice says from beside him. I can't see his face, his back is turned to me.

The other three vampires turn and leave. Leaving Nicole alone with the one vampire, Nathan.

"Please," Nicole begs. "Leave me alone."

"Now why would I do that?" Nathan says, with an evil grin on his face. As he begins to approach Nicole she scrambles back, desperately scanning her surroundings looking for a way out.

"I'm going to enjoy this," Nathan says, getting closer... and closer.

"No!" I scream, snapping out of my vision.

"Alice what is it?" Jasper asks, grabbing my arms. But i couldn't say anything, only shake my head.

Edward looks at all of us with a frantic expression on his face. "Nicole," He gasps. "Shes in trouble."

That's all that needs to be said. Everyone races out the back door, following Nicole's scent through the woods. When we arrive, Nicole's backing into the creek with tears streaming down her face. The vampire stalking closer and closer to her.

"Please," She begs again.

Without warning, the nomad launches at Nicole, taking her down into the water. That's all Jasper needs to send him over the edge. He tackles the nomad of of Nicole, who was struggling violently to get out of his hold, and sends him into a tree.

Emmett and Edward go to help Jasper with the nomad, while Carslise, Rose, Esme, and I run to check on Nicole.

She's still sitting in the water when we find her. Her face a mask of absolute shock. She shaking as I put my arms around her. She begins crying into my shoulder.

"Shhh, shhh," I say, trying to calm her. Rose strokes her hair, and Carslise and Esme are on either sides of her.

She only sobs harder, shaking harder. She's sobbing so hard that her breathes are coming in short gasps now.

"Jasper," I breathe, knowing he's the only one that will be able to calm her down. She came so close to death, if we hadn't  of shown up....

Jasper appears by my side in an instant, taking his daughter from me into his arms. I can see from the pain that's clear on his face that Nicole is scared. Her sobs begin to quiet as Jasper uses his gift on her. He rocks her back in forth, in a way she hasn't let him do since she was a child.

Jasper picks Nicole up in his arms, ready to take her home. She buries  her face in his chest. Her sobs have now quiet as down to a silent cry, with tears still streaming down her face.
Nicole's P.O.V.
So close. I was so close to dying. That Nomad was closing in, making it harder and harder to get away. Cornering me. Like the way a cat does with a mouse.

When he tackled me into the water, I thought I was going to die. That I would never see my family again, or any of my friends. I would never play volleyball again, or take a breath of fresh air. I succumbed to my fate, thinking no one would be there to save me.

Then dad tackled him off of me. And in a matter of seconds I was surrounded by family. All of them were asking if I was okay. All I could think of was the hungry look in his eyes as he approached me. All I could think about was if my family had been even one second late....

"Don't think about that," Edward says from beside me. I didn't even see him show up. Once we got back dad set me in the living room, his arms never letting me out of the tight embrace I was in.

"But it's true," I whisper. I haven't said much since we've gotten back. Only mumbling answers to a few yes or no questions.

"But we did get there in time," He persists. "So don't think like that."

My dad's embrace tightens at Edwards words. And i feel another calming wave go through me. He's trying to lull me to sleep, I realize. My eyelids grow heavier and heavier...

A/N: The picture above is Nicole's closet. Thanks for reading! Comment and Vote!

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